Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rotary: Corrupt & Vicious: Questions For Governor Nominee – Ven. Somawansa Thero

By Amrit Muttukumaru –June 28, 2015
Amrit Muttukumaru
Amrit Muttukumaru
Colombo Telegraph
Rotary International (RI) with a worldwide membership of around 1.2 Million in 34,000 Rotary clubs is one of the largest and most affluent NGOs in the world.
Rotary Sri Lanka is said to have about 1600 members in 61 Rotary Clubs.
RI solicits and receives massive worldwide public donations on the back of purporting to be a transparent and ethical entity. Its guiding principle is said to be its celebrated ‘Four-Way Test’ which includes ‘Is it the TRUTH?’ and ‘Is it FAIR to all concerned?’ It also claims to have a “written whistleblower policy”.
Apart from institutional donors, Rotary also receives substantial individual donations.
The Total Assets of RI as of 30 June 2013 is said to be in excess of US$ 1 BILLION.
In the aftermath of the Tsunami, Rotary Sri Lanka implemented with Tsunami donations a US $10 Million (Rupees One Billion) project captioned ‘Schools Re-awaken’ to rebuild/rehabilitate 25 Tsunami devastated schools with QUESTIONABLE ACCOUNTABILITY.
The cogent question is – does Rotary International have the INTEGRITY to be the CUSTODIAN for the massive funds it receives in TRUST?
The Rotary hierarchy in Sri Lanka and at world headquarters in the US have avoided answering mainly through FOUL MEANS amply substantiated in this exposé.
Ven. Somawansa Thero - Governor Nominee – RI Convention in Sao Paulo, Brazil (June 2015) Source:
Ven. Somawansa Thero – Governor Nominee – RI Convention in Sao Paulo, Brazil (June 2015)
Has not Governor Nominee – Ven. Somawansa Thero by his continued SILENCE in the face of such corrupt and vicious practice, violated the Vinaya he is bound to uphold? Is it not also in conflict with the sublime precepts of METTA, KARUNA, MUDITA and UPEKKHA?
The following questions are posed to him and Rotary Sri Lanka Governor – Gowri Rajan. They are urged to respond without prevarication in the PUBLIC INTEREST.
“Private and Quiet”
1) Did not an INFLUENTIAL Rotary International Officer from Sri Lanka (‘RI OFFICER’) after breaching the mandatory Rotary ‘Code of Policies’ send an e-mail dated 27 April 2006 to then Sri Lanka District Governor with the following SCANDALOUS utterances?: