Wednesday, June 8, 2022

  ‘Why are you laying your hands on me?’ – Sri Lankan security forces grab Tamil journalist

 07 June 2022

As a Tamil journalist attempted to cover a protest in Mullaitivu earlier today, Sri Lankan security officers harassed and grabbed him in an attempt to block his coverage of the demonstration against military land grabs.

K Kumanan, a well-known local journalist, had travelled to Vattuvakkal to cover the protest against the expansion of the Gotabaya naval camp, where a heavy security presence had gathered to intimidated demonstrating locals.

As Kumanan began taking photographs to report on the protest, a naval officer approached him and threatened him to stop taking photographs of the demonstration. Several Sri Lankan police officers also came up to the journalist and attempted to forcibly seize his official media card.

Kumanan remained undeterred and continue to take photographs of both the protest and the intimidation he and others were facing.

“Why are you laying your hands on me?” he asked as officers repeatedly attempted to manhandle him.

See footage of the incident from JDS below.