A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Sri Lanka: Why govt. must seek a fresh mandate?
The worry people have is whether they would have to put up with this kind of government in the future, too. This government was put together mainly to keep at bay their common enemy and there was no common basis on major issues such as economic policy, Tamil separatism, foreign policy, Constitution, security, education, health etc.

( July 18, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) This
government has proved beyond doubt that a country like ours cannot be
governed for the good of the people by a hybrid government of the kind
we have at present. It has two heads and two tails and they pull in
different directions, and trying to trip each other they fall to the
ground. Even members of the government accept that it has failed to
deliver on their promises. If we leave the vote catching promises aside,
the government has failed miserably to maintain the economic growth
that the previous government, whatever may be its faults, had achieved,
and allowed it to collapse irreparably. The economy of a country is the
most important single factor for the well being of its people. This is
mainly due to the inability of the government to be consistent in taking
decisions on major economic policies. For instance, there is no
consensus among the top government leaders regarding the policy on
Hambantota harbour and Trincomalee oil tanks. The two parties that have
come together in a marriage of convenience to form this government, have
inherent differences that could be traced back to their origins, and it
is not easy if not impossible to resolve these differences and agree on
major policies such as selling or leasing national assets and
devolution of political power. The people who support these two parties
are also divided on these issues, and due to this the two parties have a
separate existence and cannot come together, without dissolving their
identity, which is based on their policies and the people, would not
want that to happen.
Therefore, the major problem that people could perceive in this
arrangement is the impossibility of this union continuing any longer and
the fact that there is no future in it. People, and the country, would
continue to suffer due to this mismatch of the governing parties.
Neither the two heads nor the two tails can get on. Instances of discord
are too frequent and even the tail dares to insult, in public, the head
of its partner. One of these worthies said in public that their partner
had been in the opposition for too long and doesn’t know how to get the
work done, and that it is their party which does all the work. When
these matters are pointed out at media conferences, the higher-ups could
only say that it is very difficult to manage a composite government.
The question is, if it is so difficult to manage the affairs of the
government and amity within its ranks, how such a government could solve
the complex problems facing the country. This is the reason that the
government has so far not solved a single problem, including minor
problems like disposal of garbage. Could the people afford to have such a
The worry people have is whether they would have to put up with this
kind of government in the future, too. This government was put together
mainly to keep at bay their common enemy and there was no common basis
on major issues such as economic policy, Tamil separatism, foreign
policy, Constitution, security, education, health etc. The leaders of
the previous government had earned the wrath of the western powers for
defeating the LTTE going against their dictate, and these powers also
helped in effecting a regime change. The common enemy of all these
players, local and foreign, is still around and gaining in strength and
the need to keep him at bay would be felt by these players in the future
too. What kind of government they would plot and put together in the
future remains a problem for the people. In desperation, they may
conjure the most inimical combination, similar or even worse than the
present. They may resort to the most unethical and unconstitutional
measures like making ministers out of individuals rejected by the
people, making leaders of the opposition out of worthies who have no
majority support in the opposition, making everybody ministers, creating
new unheard of subjects to accommodate new ministers, joining up
ministries that are totally unrelated, gifting super luxury vehicles to
ministers and MPs to prevent them crossing over, protecting the corrupt
within while hounding the enemy without etc. In the future luxury
vehicles may not be sufficient enticement, and private helicopters may
have to be doled out despite the fact that victims of natural and
manmade disasters are yet to be compensated and the poor cannot make
ends meet.
The question that has to be raised is did the people give a mandate to
these political parties to form this government and do as they like? The
Presidential Election was won mainly with the UNP votes and the
minorities chipping in. But at the General Election, which elected the
parliament, the people did not give a mandate for the formation of a
coalition of the present kind. Those who voted for the SLFP did so
mainly because of the popularity of the leader who won the war against
the LTTE. This is shown by the fact that those who opposed that leader
in the election campaign lost the election.The candidates who were thus
defeated were not small fry but stalwarts who had held high posts in the
government and the SLFP. Therefore, the majority of people who voted
for the SLFP did so in the hope that those whom they voted for would
form a government, with their war hero at its head. But several of those
who won the election riding the wagon driven by their war hero, were
high jacked to prop up the hybrid government, thus betraying the
people’s will. What was worse was the unconstitutional appointment of
those who were defeated by the people for not supporting their war hero,
as cabinet ministers.
In a democracy, it is said that the government is of the people, for the
people and by the people. This ideal may not be always possible to
achieve and sustain, but its total collapse and the apparent alienation
of the government and its people must make the government think of the
moral obligation, and the need to consult the people and seek a fresh
mandate to rule the country. There is no other way to ensure and
safeguard the sovereignty of the people, for the sovereignty of the
people is bestowed in the franchise. Benjamin Franklin said “in a free
government rulers elected by the people are the servants and people
their superior and sovereign”. The present government has denied this
right of the people by postponing the elections to local bodies on very
flimsy pretexts. Yet, the government says it is not afraid to face
elections. Obviously the government does not have a mandate to continue
this unstable ramshackle of a government and it must seek a fresh