A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, May 31, 2014
Jaffna Library burns - May 31st 1981
31 May 2014
On 31st May 1981, the crucible of Tamil literature and heritage - the Jaffna Public Library - was set ablaze by state security forces and state sponsored mobs.
Over 95,000 unique and irreplaceable Tamil palm leaves (ola), manuscripts, parchments, books, magazines and newspapers, housed within an impressive building inspired by ancient Dravidian architecture, were destroyed during the burning that continued unchecked for two nights.
Nancy Murray, a western author, wrote at the time:
The destruction took place under the rule of the UNP at a time when District Development Council elections were underway, and two notorious Sinhala chauvinist cabinet ministers - Cyril Mathew and Gamini Dissanayake - were in Jaffna. Earlier on the 31st May, three Sinhalese police officers were killed during a rally by the TULF (Tamil United Liberation Front).
Cultural Vandalism and Genocide
The term genocide is only a recent one, having been coined in 1945 by Raphael Lemkin, lecturer on comparative law at the Institute of Criminology of the Free University of Poland and Deputy Prosecutor of the District Court of Warsaw. Since then, it has become a crucial term for understanding events, particularly ethnic violence, in the world.
Lemkin defined genocide as "a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves."
He said that the objective of such a plan would be disintegration of the political
and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
For Lemkin, "genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the
actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group."
Whilst genocide has come to be associated with the concentrated killings of large numbers of people, such as in a few bloody month in Rwanda recently or during the years of the Holocuast of WW2, Lemkin's concept is just as valid if it happens over decades.
Furthermore, the destruction of a people's culture, whilst not given particular attention in the massive bloodletting which has characterised the well known instances of genocide, remains an integral part of the crime as Lemkin saw it.
"An attack targeting a collectivity can also take the form of systematic and organized destruction of the art and cultural heritage in which the unique genius and achievement of a collectivity are revealed in fields of science, arts and literature," he wrote. "The contribution of any particular collectivity to world culture as a whole forms the wealth of all of humanity, even while exhibiting unique characteristics."
"The [perpetrator] causes not only the immediate irrevocable losses of the destroyed work as property and as the culture of the collectivity directly concerned (whose unique genius contributed to the creation of this work); it is also all humanity which experiences a loss by this act of vandalism."
"In the acts of barbarity, as well as in those of vandalism, the asocial and destructive spirit of the [perpetrator] is made evident. This spirit, by definition, is the opposite of the culture and progress of humanity."
On 31st May 1981, the crucible of Tamil literature and heritage - the Jaffna Public Library - was set ablaze by state security forces and state sponsored mobs.
Over 95,000 unique and irreplaceable Tamil palm leaves (ola), manuscripts, parchments, books, magazines and newspapers, housed within an impressive building inspired by ancient Dravidian architecture, were destroyed during the burning that continued unchecked for two nights.
Nancy Murray, a western author, wrote at the time:
"They burned to the ground certain chosen targets - including the Jaffna Public Library, with its 95,000 volumes and priceless manuscripts…no mention of this appeared in the national newspapers, not even the burning of the library, the symbol of Tamils' cultural identity. The government delayed bringing in emergency rule until 2 June, by which time the key targets had been destroyed."
The destruction took place under the rule of the UNP at a time when District Development Council elections were underway, and two notorious Sinhala chauvinist cabinet ministers - Cyril Mathew and Gamini Dissanayake - were in Jaffna. Earlier on the 31st May, three Sinhalese police officers were killed during a rally by the TULF (Tamil United Liberation Front).
Cultural Vandalism and Genocide
The term genocide is only a recent one, having been coined in 1945 by Raphael Lemkin, lecturer on comparative law at the Institute of Criminology of the Free University of Poland and Deputy Prosecutor of the District Court of Warsaw. Since then, it has become a crucial term for understanding events, particularly ethnic violence, in the world.
Lemkin defined genocide as "a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves."
He said that the objective of such a plan would be disintegration of the political
and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
For Lemkin, "genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the
actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group."
Whilst genocide has come to be associated with the concentrated killings of large numbers of people, such as in a few bloody month in Rwanda recently or during the years of the Holocuast of WW2, Lemkin's concept is just as valid if it happens over decades.
Furthermore, the destruction of a people's culture, whilst not given particular attention in the massive bloodletting which has characterised the well known instances of genocide, remains an integral part of the crime as Lemkin saw it.
"An attack targeting a collectivity can also take the form of systematic and organized destruction of the art and cultural heritage in which the unique genius and achievement of a collectivity are revealed in fields of science, arts and literature," he wrote. "The contribution of any particular collectivity to world culture as a whole forms the wealth of all of humanity, even while exhibiting unique characteristics."
"The [perpetrator] causes not only the immediate irrevocable losses of the destroyed work as property and as the culture of the collectivity directly concerned (whose unique genius contributed to the creation of this work); it is also all humanity which experiences a loss by this act of vandalism."
"In the acts of barbarity, as well as in those of vandalism, the asocial and destructive spirit of the [perpetrator] is made evident. This spirit, by definition, is the opposite of the culture and progress of humanity."
Virtual LTTE Resurrection Is Vital For Govt.To Remain In Power .
| by Pearl Thevanayagam

David Cameron’s government is going along with this charade since if the
invasion of Iraq was proven to be a grave injustice UK could be hauled
up for war crimes.
These two democracies preach human rights to third world nations but
their own actions belie the very concept of democracy it touts. UK makes
use of the 30 year ban under Official Secrets Act to whitewash its
actions. It is against the law to even ask a colleague what his/her
salary is.
It is not as though UK lies but it keeps mum on sensitive information.
The silence on Iraq invasion at the behest of US amounts to not just
lying but gross violation of the rights of Iraqi people who are still
reeling from the mayhem caused by two super-powers who took it upon
themselves the mantle as defenders of human rights. Whichever government
is in power British stiff upper-lip believes what Britain does in the
name of national security should be kept private and should not come out
in the open.Its strategy worked when it was the colonial power but not
any longer. Nations, particularly third world nations, are not taking
its arrogance lying down.
Which brings us closer home to the actions of the government on
resurrecting the LTTE to retain its hold on the North and East and
justify its militarising these zones. Jesus, a refugee, who was
crucified on the cross and left to die in front of witnesses,
resurrected himself on the third day and even his disciples showed
disbelief. LTTE leader Pirabkaran was killed along with his many cadres
and tens of thousands of civilians by government security forces and
their bodies exhibited to prove their annihilation and thus an end to
the rebel outfit.
But unlike Jesus, Pirabakaran is not coming back in life form nor are those who perished in Mullivaikkal.
Unearthing buried cache of LTTE weapons, arresting innocent youth who
may or may not have links with the remnants of the LTTE is akin to US
style of maintaining Al Quaeda is lurking round the corner despite the
assassination of Osama Bin Laden.
US needs the Bin Ladens and Saddam Husseins to justify its invasions
into countries which have oil supplies and minerals to protect its own
economic interests and to hell with the rights of those citizens.
Wherever US set foot in the name of peace it left destruction and human
miseries. Its actions are reverberating in that those affected by the
wars instigated by the US are converging on US and European shores
seeking asylum.
There is no doubt the LTTE left behind its arms and ammunition plundered
from the military but just because they were found in private
properties does not prove the occupants are resurrecting the LTTE.
Leaders need fresh impetus to sustain their power. The propaganda
machinery of the government is aided and abetted by scare-mongers such
as sycophant Tamil websites, the editors of which are handsomely
rewarded who plug in fabricated details and who have an axe to grind
lend flimsy evidence the LTTE are re-grouping. It is ironic these
website editors are spongers on western governments while bartering
their own kith and kin to the Sri Lankan government to feed their
debauchery and idle lifestyle.
Their revelations are going viral with India and Malaysia while the
hard-core LTTE arms procurer Kumar Pathmanathan aka KP is kept in
relative luxury and comfort by the government. The three hapless Sri
Lankan Tamils would certainly have claimed they were either targeted by
the government as LTTE activists or pursued by the now defunct LTTE for
The recent upsurge in cordon and search operations in the North East
terrorising civilians, the continuous presence of the armed forces, the
appointment of military hierarchy as governors and emissaries, procuring
lands of Tamils and fortifying military cantonments proves the
government is bent on embarking on a genocidal mission.
Victory parades are celebrated with the exhibition of war machinery for
all and sundry to see and it is quite contradictory to the government’s
declaration the war is over. It is also flouting war paraphernalia in
Mullivaikkal to promote war tourism not unlike Auschwitz camp where Jews
were tortured and gassed by Hitler’s Nazis which is now attracting
Propagandising LTTE resurgence could become a reality if the government carries on its vile campaign.
(The writer has been a journalist for 25 years and worked in national
newspapers as sub-editor, news reporter and news editor. She was Colombo
Correspondent for Times of India and has contributed to Wall Street
Journal where she was on work experience from The Graduate School of
Journalism, UC Berkeley, California. Currently residing in UK she is
also co-founder of EJN (Exiled Journalists Network) UK in 2005 the
membership of which is 200 from 40 countries. She can be reached at
Citizens, Nations And State
By Rajasingham Narendran -May 31, 2014

The terms Country and State are synonymous and both apply to self-governing political entities. A nationhowever, is a group of people who share the same culture but do not have sovereignty. A state with
the ‘s’ in lower case, constitutes a part of a whole country, with
limited self-governing powers. Citizens are free and thus have freedom
when they can lead a life of their choice; are free to choose their
leaders; are treated equally, justly and with dignity in a State that
functions within just laws; and within the parameters of a constitution
that guarantees his/her rights on the basis of universally acceptable
civilizational norms.
What makes an independent State are: Has permanent residents; has
absolute sovereignty over its territory; has organized economic
activity that regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money; has
a transportation network for moving goods and people; has an education
system; has recognition from other independent States.
A nation is a group of homogenous people-
community who share the same culture, language, institutions, religion,
and history- usually a group of people larger than a tribe or
community. Territorially is not a necessary precondition, although it
provides a necessary pre-requisite for sharing power within a State.
When a nation of people has an independent State of their own it is
called a nation-state. There are nations with States and nations
without States (Kurds & Tamils). France, Germany, Egypt and Japan
are nation-States. Canada and Belgium are States with two nations. The
USA is called a nation-state, because of the shared American ‘ culture’ ,
despite it being a multicultural society. The Tamils of Indian origin
working in the plantations in the hill country in Sri Lanka were a
stateless people until J.R.Jayewardene finally resolved the issue. Read More
S.B. who talks like an SOB (son of a Brahmin) appropriates Col.7 mansion on forged deed

31.May.2014, 5.15PM) The Minister of higher education Dissanayake
Mudiyansalage Sumanaweera Banda Dissanayake alias S.B. Dissanayake who
parades as a paragon of virtue and speaks like an SOB (son of a Brahmin)
has transferred a palatial house at Hewa Avenue , Colombo 07 on a
spurious deed under the pretext of acquiring it for the higher education
This mansion which belonged to Nadaraja ,a very wealthy individual who was living in Cinnamon gardens some years ago and passed away some years ago. This mansion was transferred to a Sri Lankan lecturer who is residing in Jamaica.
This SOB Sumanaweera Banda who is noted for doing lip service to education and duping the younger generation who are the country’s future investment, has after making false pretenses that the mansion is being acquired for the higher education Ministry , has fraudulently transferred it into his name on bogus deeds. This SOB Sumanaweera Banda has also taken by now into his possession many articles of historical value worth many millions that were in the mansion on the sly.
In any event , a complaint has been lodged with the CI , but it is learnt that tremendous efforts are being made to suppress the investigations , as is the practice under the regime laden with Ministers who are having a whale of a time in the climate of impunity they are enjoying with the patronage of the corrupt Rajapakses who are at the top of the hierarchy.
Ministers involved in import of kudu (heroin) in containers are scott free . Ministers involved in murders and rape are scott free . Ministers involved in outrageous rackets and corruption are also scott free under the Rajapakse’s ‘Asia’s miracle in the making of Sri Lanka ‘
This mansion which belonged to Nadaraja ,a very wealthy individual who was living in Cinnamon gardens some years ago and passed away some years ago. This mansion was transferred to a Sri Lankan lecturer who is residing in Jamaica.
This SOB Sumanaweera Banda who is noted for doing lip service to education and duping the younger generation who are the country’s future investment, has after making false pretenses that the mansion is being acquired for the higher education Ministry , has fraudulently transferred it into his name on bogus deeds. This SOB Sumanaweera Banda has also taken by now into his possession many articles of historical value worth many millions that were in the mansion on the sly.
In any event , a complaint has been lodged with the CI , but it is learnt that tremendous efforts are being made to suppress the investigations , as is the practice under the regime laden with Ministers who are having a whale of a time in the climate of impunity they are enjoying with the patronage of the corrupt Rajapakses who are at the top of the hierarchy.
Ministers involved in import of kudu (heroin) in containers are scott free . Ministers involved in murders and rape are scott free . Ministers involved in outrageous rackets and corruption are also scott free under the Rajapakse’s ‘Asia’s miracle in the making of Sri Lanka ‘
No hand in Jaffna Twitter campaign - Students’ Union
By Arthur Wamanan and Sandun Jayawardana
Sunday, 25 May 2014 02:14

- See more at:
The Jaffna University Students’ Union has denied any knowledge or
involvement in the Twitter campaign against alleged threats to students
and lecturers. Speaking to The Nation, President, Jaffna University
Students Union, P. Subhakar said that they were unaware of such an
online campaign. He, however, stated that the two-day strike organized
by the students ended on Friday (May23).
Recently, University officials announced that campus would be closed
during the fifth year commemoration since the end of the war.
“We have called on the University officials to refrain from declaring holidays in May and November in future, as it could hamper the relationship between Tamil and Sinhala students on the campus. We need to have a cordial relationship. However, those who wish to remember the dead can do so. But there is no need to close down campus,” he said.
“We have called on the University officials to refrain from declaring holidays in May and November in future, as it could hamper the relationship between Tamil and Sinhala students on the campus. We need to have a cordial relationship. However, those who wish to remember the dead can do so. But there is no need to close down campus,” he said.
A Twitter campaign, under the hashtag ‘Hands Off Jaffna Uni’, was
launched last week to coincide with a two-day strike called by students
on Thursday (May 22) and Friday (May 23) to protest alleged death
threats leveled at some lecturers and students of the university. The
campaign is continuing and has attracted support from the Tamil Diaspora
and those in Tamil Nadu.
Leaflets allegedly left on campus last week spoke of serious measures
against those who attempt to revive extremist sentiments within the
campus. A group calling itself ‘Nation Protection Force’ (Thesam Kaakkum
Padai) issued a ‘final warning’ stated that several students,
lecturers, deans and journalists had been identified of trying to
instill extremist sentiments among others.
Meanwhile, Military Spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya strongly
refuted allegations leveled by some that the army was behind the death
threats and was also attempting to ‘interfere’ in the university’s
“We’re not as petty-minded as they think we are,” he said, rejecting allegations of military interference at the university.
“We’re not as petty-minded as they think we are,” he said, rejecting allegations of military interference at the university.
Referring to the Twitter campaign #HandsOffJaffnaUni, Brigadier
Wanigasooriya said there was nothing wrong with the campaign since the
army had no intention of getting involved in the university’s
“At any event, the army has no access to the university premises and has no deployments anywhere nearby. What happens within the university is the responsibility of campus authorities,” he added.
Referring to the ban on public commemorations in the North during Victory Day week, the military spokesman said that was put in place as certain sections were attempting to ‘celebrate terrorism’ which could not be allowed as it would be tantamount to ‘acceptance of terrorism’.
“At any event, the army has no access to the university premises and has no deployments anywhere nearby. What happens within the university is the responsibility of campus authorities,” he added.
Referring to the ban on public commemorations in the North during Victory Day week, the military spokesman said that was put in place as certain sections were attempting to ‘celebrate terrorism’ which could not be allowed as it would be tantamount to ‘acceptance of terrorism’.
“There is a larger agenda here among some to get the Army out of Jaffna,
which will not happen. The armed forces are there to protect national
security which is a central government function”.
Brigadier Wanigasooriya further said the army wanted universities to function unhindered as universities were places that produce future developers of the nation.
When contacted, Police Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said Police had so far not received any complaints regarding death threats leveled at lecturers and students at the university.
Brigadier Wanigasooriya further said the army wanted universities to function unhindered as universities were places that produce future developers of the nation.
When contacted, Police Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said Police had so far not received any complaints regarding death threats leveled at lecturers and students at the university.
Sri Lankan Muslims at crossroads – 3
In the second part (Island of May 17) of this series of articles on SL
Muslims at the cross-roads I dealt with the bizarre case of a Muslim who
reportedly made outrageous statements against Buddhism at a public
meeting, He had reportedly stated that in worshipping the Triple Gem the
Buddhists are worshipping stones, that Buddhism encourages cannibalism,
that the Buddha himself had once eaten human flesh, and that the Buddha
had spoken about Allah. His statements were reportedly recorded in a
video which has been in circulation since June 2013. My initial
reaction, as well as those of my Muslim contacts, was one of total
incredulity because it seemed to us impossible that any Muslim in his
right mind would have made such statements. It seemed to us further that
the video was probably inauthentic, just a piece of anti-Muslim
propagandist garbage.
But it turns out to be authentic, and had been put across on MTV about a
couple of weeks earlier. According to my informants, the person who
made those statements was the President of a group that calls itself the
Tawheed Jamaat, about which I must make a very important clarification.
It is quite unlike the Tawheed Jamaat of South India which is very
powerful with a huge membership, and boasts in Zainul-Abdeen a
theologian of high caliber, according to a friend who is capable of
making informed judgments on Islamic theology. The local Tawheed Jamaat,
on the other hand, is small and relatively insignificant. It cannot be
regarded as representative of mainstream Sunni Islam in Sri Lanka, nor
for that matter of Wahabi Islam. Undue importance should not therefore
be given to the utterances of its leader.
It appears that the members of the Tawheed Jamaat had been irked, just
like many other Muslims, by the ignorant denigration of Islam that has
been going on in Sri Lanka, inspired partly by the Islamophobic idiocies
of the West. That had led to the issue of a challenge to the BBS for a
public debate on religion – there is an authentic video on that
challenge also. It was in that context that the Tawheed Jamaat
representative had made absurd observations on Buddhism based on wrong
interpretations of obscure Buddhist texts – or so I am told. The upshot
was that he was arrested, brought to trial, apologized, and released.
Evidently the apology meant that he repudiated his absurd charges
against Buddhism.
What importance should be given to this episode? I think none whatever
because it is just too ridiculous to be taken seriously. As I have
pointed out above the Tawheed Jamaat has no representative capacity
worth speaking about. How many of the more than one and a half million
SL Muslims share the views about Buddhism expressed by the TJ
representative – that Buddhism encourages cannibalism, that the Buddha
ate human flesh and so on? I believe that none, none whatever, share
those views because the TJ representative himself, by his apology,
repudiated those views. It would therefore be totally absurd for anyone
to draw any conclusions from those statements about Muslim extremists
and Islamic fundamentalism. I am making this point because there seems
to be something sinister about the revival of that offensive video. It
was originally issued in June 2013, it was seen by thousands, but it
evidently failed to make much of an impact. It is possible that it has
been revived – shown on MTV and so on – with the objective of rousing
mass anti-Muslim hatred.
One point about this episode cannot be ignored. Those absurdly offensive
statements hurt the Buddhists, and therefore it was meet and proper
that the perpetrator was subjected to action under the law. But what
about all the offensive statements about Islam that hurt the Muslims
deeply? Why were the perpetrators not subjected to action under the law?
I refer to the most outrageous of all the insults to Islam in Sri
Lanka: the demonstration in which Allah was imaged as a pig and burnt in
effigy. The police performed their accustomed role of passive
spectators. I believe they did a little more than that by restraining
horrified Muslims who could have got out of hand – and perhaps that was
wise. But why was there no legal action thereafter?
That leads to a crucially important question: what really is the
strategy of the Sinhalese Buddhist State towards the SL Muslims? It was
earlier expected that the anti-Muslim campaign would culminate in
another gory July ’83 holocaust, this time against the Muslims. That is
not the general expectation today, not because it is thought that the
Government has developed moral scruples but because it fears the
possible international repercussions. But other horrors can be
perpetrated against the Muslims that are just as horrible as July ’83,
possibly in the long run even more horrible. I have in mind the fact
that the Sinhalese State seems to be in the grip of a fierce
hierarchical drive aimed at establishing the Sinhalese Buddhists firmly
and securely at the apex and relegating the Muslims to the position of
outcastes. That seems to be the significance of the double standards to
which I pointed above: punitive legal action against the Muslim but none
against the Sinhalese. It is true that the culture of impunity applies
to the Sinhalese as well, but not so consistently as against the
Muslims, as shown during the anti-Muslim campaign of the last two years.
It should be beyond dispute that the Muslim strategy of political
quietism has proved to be utterly disastrous: polishing the boot of
Sinhala power has only earned good hard kicks on the backside. Just as
well maybe, because the strategy of political quietism was essentially
self-seeking, not aimed at the national good inclusive of the good of
the Muslims. I have advocated a two-pronged strategy: struggle for the
impartial application of the rule of law to all, and dialogue on the
issues that have been bedeviling Sinhalese-Muslim relations for decades.
The first, the struggle for the rule of law has a very particular
importance. It has been a besetting vice of Muslims in the decadent
phases of Islamic civilization to withdraw into themselves, to go into a
self-imposed ghetto and limit their interaction with the others to the
bare minimum. That goes against the greatest Sri Lankan need of the
present hour: the need for national integration. In struggling for the
rule of law our Muslims will be making common cause with the Sinhalese
and the Tamils in a common struggle for the national good.
There is one point in particular that our Muslims must bear in mind.
Under the brutal and stupid rule of the 1977 Jay Gang the SL civil
society was practically dead, not much more animate than a door-mat. In
recent years it has been becoming vibrant in unexpected ways. It is not
so vibrant, not so vital, as in India and the West but it certainly
counts in the affairs of the nation. The SL Muslims can therefore make
their struggle to live in peace and dignity part of the national
struggle for a better Sri Lanka. I have in mind the splendid statement
of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka against the BBS and in support of
the Muslims (Island of May 22). Let the Muslims invoke the blessings of
Allah on the heads of the BASL members, and let their names be inscribed
in gold in the memories of the Muslims.
Video: BBS Assaults Children
During a protest march of the Bodu Bala Sena that
has picked up steam in Badulla in the past few weeks are caught on
footage assaulting a child who was a part of that procession, whom they
perceived was a Muslim
The assault occurred while a speaker was addressing the gathering stating that the BBS were the real owners of the country.
The individual who assaulted the child abused the child asking him ”
Umba thambiyekda kiyapang? ammata hukanna thambiyekda kiyapang”, –
Tell, are you a thambiya? Tell, a mother fucker thambiya? ( Thambiya is
a derogatory term for Muslims)
The crowd thereafter handed over the child to the Police
Modi’s example
Editorial-May 30, 2014,
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has got off to a flying start in his
new job. Having risen to that position through sheer hard work and
dedication to the cause he believes in, he seems to know what he is
doing and what needs to be done to achieve success.
PM Modi has already extended the hand of friendship to India’s
neighbours and stressed the need for unity among SAARC member states to
overcome international challenges as a regional grouping. He has also
demonstrated a desire to give domestic politics a radical shake up which
it is badly in need of. In spite of being at the helm of a fissiparous,
mammoth coalition consisting of as many as 30 constituents, he has
appointed a small Cabinet. Ambitious politicians in his government may
not be well disposed towards such measures, but the ordinary Indians
must be really appreciative of his approach.
Above all, the new premier seems to have realised the need for
separating his family from his job if he is to embark on an arduous
political journey without encumbrances to achieve his goals. There have
been several such leaders. Dr. Abdul Kalam is one of them. When he was
India’s President, he even paid, from his private funds, for
entertaining his kith occasionally at his official residence. He led so
simple a life that on one rainy day, as the media reported, he woke up
in the dead of night as a section of the Rashtrapati Bhavan roof started
leaking and his bed got wet. He quietly went into another room and had
the roof repaired the following day. What would have been the fate of
the maintenance staff if such a thing had happened in this country? They
would have been made to clamber up the rain-soaked roof forthwith to
effect repairs at the risk of falling off or being struck by lightning;
or all of them would have been fired before dawn. But, the same cannot
be said of most other Indian politicians who are as corrupt and arrogant
as their counterparts elsewhere, especially here.
The new Indian premier, no doubt, wants to build a stronger, inclusive
India, but some members of his parliamentary team must be desperate to
make the most of their electoral fortune and line their pockets. We only
hope that PM Modi, by trying to restrain them, won’t face a mutiny as
greedy politicians who savour power after a lapse of many years act like
starved leeches thirsting for blood.
PM Modi has banned his ministers from hiring their family members as
their personal staff, as we reported yesterday. This is another step in
the right direction. Any institution where family connections or
cronyism take precedence over efficiency and professionalism is doomed.
Not even a wayside eatery could be run properly on that basis. India is
somewhat lucky that it is blessed with a robust public service where
square pegs cannot easily be catapulted into round holes unlike in this
country where jokers are plucked from obscurity and made top officials
The recruitment of politicians’ family members as their personal staff
is a big racket as is common knowledge. They draw fat salaries and enjoy
attractive perks for doing little or nothing in return. In this
country, they even become entitled to pensions after completing a mere
five years in service. The only thing they evince a keen interest in is
helping themselves to public funds as much as possible.
A country stands to gain only when the main criterion for the
recruitment of officials paid with public funds becomes merit rather
than family ties and/or purported loyalty to the ruling party or its
leaders. PM Modi’s example is worthy of emulation.
Modi – A Magic Wand?
By Hameed Abdul Karim -May 31, 2014

So Modi’s promise of providing toilets for every home was not at all
misplaced. It may have brought in many votes, but then you will have to
wonder how the million excrement carriers (and that’s old stats) are
going to make a living in Modi’s toileted India!
Constable who issued traffic fine notice on Dep. Minister Hemal shot at and vehicle set on fire

31.May.2014, 5.15PM) A police constable who issued a notice of traffic
offence fine to the deputy Minister for internal trade, Hemal Gunasekera
recently for driving in excess of the speed limit when traveling by his
vehicle has been shot at, attacked and was a victim of attempted
murder, while his car was also burnt to ashes, according to reports
reaching Lanka e news.
This incident took place on Tuesday the 20th of May. The deputy Minister of the brutal lawless regime has been traveling by vehicle at excess speed with his child and an employee along the Galle – Colombo expressway. The police officers who were on duty at Kurundugaha Hethpama division checking speeding vehicles had detected this vehicle traveling at 141 kms. per hour and had ordered to stop. But the vehicle has sped without stopping brazenly violating traffic laws. Later the vehicle was stopped after the Kottawa station was informed .
The police constable (PC) Suminda Saman (8628) of Kottawa police exit point had halted this vehicle on instructions received, not knowing whose vehicle it was .The PC in due execution of his duty had told the driver of the vehicle that he has been traveling at 141 kms. per hour and therefore to hand over his driving license for he is liable to a fine.
The Deputy Minister’s driver had replied he has no driving license (another grave offense!). At this juncture the most ‘honorable’ deputy Minister ( or rather monster of a monstrous regime) Hemal Gunasekera of the most dishonorable regime who had been in the rear seat of the vehicle had alighted , and abused the PC who was duly performing his duties in the choicest filthy language. He had also screamed he is a deputy Minister and cannot be fined, and that the PC had caused embarrassment to him . The Minister who felt his shameless hooliganism had not punished the PC enough , had related the incident to the police higher up via phone and tried to make the PC to fall at his feet and ask for pardon ( all because the PC performed his duty duly , and the Minister under a lawless barbaric regime was not reformed enough to understand his own criminal conduct).
PC Suminda Saman on the other hand has stood his ground and refused to kowtow to the brute of a deputy Minister or any other , and written the traffic offense fine order paper stating he has not done anything wrong and that he was duly discharging his duties .
After the PC ( of a rare breed of duty conscious officers of the present police force under a JaRa -MaRa regime) had refused to ask for pardon and issued the notice of fine ignoring the escalating dispute. The deputy Minister had left the venue in a huff after threatening the PC that he would teach him a bitter lesson .
The OIC of the station under whom Suminda was serving had been in the Presidential security division for sometime. The OIC who knew about the monsters in the MaRa regime had told Suminda ‘ if you have asked for pardon , the matter would have ended.’
As is customary under the present lawless regime which emulates eccentric ‘Kekille King’s’ laws , Suminda was officially and unbelievably harassed for being duty conscious : an inquiry was instituted against him , and investigations are in progress. A statement has also been recorded of his.
While this is the true reprehensible background to this episode , last evening (30) , when Suminda was traveling from home in his car , he had noticed a group following him in a Van . He had then changed his route and tried to escape. The trailing Van’s number plate had been covered with a Tee shirt.
At Bombuwala , Dodangoda , the Van had come and crossed the path of the PC’s car. When Suminda tried to leave his car and flee , someone had clung on to his legs. At about the same time there had been a gunshot sound. Thereafter he was dragged into a rubber estate in the vicinity and about ten assailants have attacked him most ruthlessly. When Suminda managed to open his eyes , he had seen his car gutted by fire.
Later , the assailants have got on to their Van and fled. The victim who made a complaint to the police is now receiving treatment at the Dodangoda hospital.
In Sumnda’s police statement it is mentioned that he is suspicious that the Deputy Minister is responsible for this attack, and if he sees the assailants he can identify them.
May we reveal that Hemal Gunasekera is a deputy Minister of the brutal murderous Rajapakse regime who is possessed of a most obnoxious stupid arrogance simply because his father who was the registrar at the Sri Jayawardena University found a minion job for desperate MaRa at the Sri Jayawardena University library when he was roaming the streets without a job at that time after having failed in the GCE adv. level examination .
Medamulana MaRa ‘s gratitude towards Hemal’s father overrides every consideration in the interests of the country even after MaRa rose from minion to President. Naturally therefore he has allowed Hemal to do all the crooked and criminal activities regardless of the damage inflicted on people and the country.
This incident took place on Tuesday the 20th of May. The deputy Minister of the brutal lawless regime has been traveling by vehicle at excess speed with his child and an employee along the Galle – Colombo expressway. The police officers who were on duty at Kurundugaha Hethpama division checking speeding vehicles had detected this vehicle traveling at 141 kms. per hour and had ordered to stop. But the vehicle has sped without stopping brazenly violating traffic laws. Later the vehicle was stopped after the Kottawa station was informed .
The police constable (PC) Suminda Saman (8628) of Kottawa police exit point had halted this vehicle on instructions received, not knowing whose vehicle it was .The PC in due execution of his duty had told the driver of the vehicle that he has been traveling at 141 kms. per hour and therefore to hand over his driving license for he is liable to a fine.
The Deputy Minister’s driver had replied he has no driving license (another grave offense!). At this juncture the most ‘honorable’ deputy Minister ( or rather monster of a monstrous regime) Hemal Gunasekera of the most dishonorable regime who had been in the rear seat of the vehicle had alighted , and abused the PC who was duly performing his duties in the choicest filthy language. He had also screamed he is a deputy Minister and cannot be fined, and that the PC had caused embarrassment to him . The Minister who felt his shameless hooliganism had not punished the PC enough , had related the incident to the police higher up via phone and tried to make the PC to fall at his feet and ask for pardon ( all because the PC performed his duty duly , and the Minister under a lawless barbaric regime was not reformed enough to understand his own criminal conduct).
PC Suminda Saman on the other hand has stood his ground and refused to kowtow to the brute of a deputy Minister or any other , and written the traffic offense fine order paper stating he has not done anything wrong and that he was duly discharging his duties .
After the PC ( of a rare breed of duty conscious officers of the present police force under a JaRa -MaRa regime) had refused to ask for pardon and issued the notice of fine ignoring the escalating dispute. The deputy Minister had left the venue in a huff after threatening the PC that he would teach him a bitter lesson .
The OIC of the station under whom Suminda was serving had been in the Presidential security division for sometime. The OIC who knew about the monsters in the MaRa regime had told Suminda ‘ if you have asked for pardon , the matter would have ended.’
As is customary under the present lawless regime which emulates eccentric ‘Kekille King’s’ laws , Suminda was officially and unbelievably harassed for being duty conscious : an inquiry was instituted against him , and investigations are in progress. A statement has also been recorded of his.
While this is the true reprehensible background to this episode , last evening (30) , when Suminda was traveling from home in his car , he had noticed a group following him in a Van . He had then changed his route and tried to escape. The trailing Van’s number plate had been covered with a Tee shirt.
At Bombuwala , Dodangoda , the Van had come and crossed the path of the PC’s car. When Suminda tried to leave his car and flee , someone had clung on to his legs. At about the same time there had been a gunshot sound. Thereafter he was dragged into a rubber estate in the vicinity and about ten assailants have attacked him most ruthlessly. When Suminda managed to open his eyes , he had seen his car gutted by fire.
Later , the assailants have got on to their Van and fled. The victim who made a complaint to the police is now receiving treatment at the Dodangoda hospital.
In Sumnda’s police statement it is mentioned that he is suspicious that the Deputy Minister is responsible for this attack, and if he sees the assailants he can identify them.
May we reveal that Hemal Gunasekera is a deputy Minister of the brutal murderous Rajapakse regime who is possessed of a most obnoxious stupid arrogance simply because his father who was the registrar at the Sri Jayawardena University found a minion job for desperate MaRa at the Sri Jayawardena University library when he was roaming the streets without a job at that time after having failed in the GCE adv. level examination .
Medamulana MaRa ‘s gratitude towards Hemal’s father overrides every consideration in the interests of the country even after MaRa rose from minion to President. Naturally therefore he has allowed Hemal to do all the crooked and criminal activities regardless of the damage inflicted on people and the country.
VIDEO: Police officer assaulted, car torched
A police officer on his way for duty at the Dodangoda Interchange of the Southern Expressway has been assaulted by a group of individuals, who had then proceeded to set fire to the victim’s vehicle.
The officer was traveling in his car when the men had given chase to him in a double cab and blocked his vehicle.
The policeman has been admitted to the Kalutara Hospital following the assault which took place Bobuwala, Dodangoda last night.
The officer’s car has been completely destroyed in the fire while police are conducting further investigations.
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Another complaint against the blocking of websites
- Saturday, 31 May 2014

Professional Web Journalists’ Association (PWJA) has lodged a complaint
with the Human Rights Commission against the blocking of
srilankamirror.com and independent.lk websites in Sri Lanka.
Lodging the complaint the Association has said that the entry to their web-sites had been obstructed without any warning.
The government has last week blocked the
srilankamirror.com and independent.lk websites and the move has come
under severe criticism.
According to the PWJA, it is the duty
and the right of the Sri Lankan people as Citizens of the Commonwealth
of Nations to demand the Head of State of Sri Lanka as the new chair in
office of the CW for the next two years, honour all democratic pledges
adopted unanimously and signed into as a member country.
- Saturday, 31 May 2014

Lodging the complaint the Association has said that the entry to their web-sites had been obstructed without any warning.
Increasing tobacco's taxes discourage smokers - UN
- Saturday, 31 May 2014

“Increasing taxes on tobacco products discourages young people from
taking up smoking and encourages current smokers to reduce use or quit
altogether. Tobacco taxes are a direct route to preventing cancer,
stroke and disease – and to saving lives.”
Overcoming The Logic Of Terror
The 1990s: The Culture of Untruth and a Perilous Vacuum – Part 9
than a decade after the JVP insurgency the country remains trapped in
the logic of terror. Instead of evolving means to surmount it, the
tendency in activist circles has been to dissemble and play games with
it. When terror is part of our environment, ordinary and average people
often take on roles they never dreamed of. The causes may be alienation
from the ruling class, a feeling of inferiority, desire for revenge,
being already compromised or simply, misplaced nationalist sympathy.
Being aligned with the party of terror makes them feel bigger, powerful
and able to taunt and threaten others. Often they do this using the
cover and privileges of civil society, while advancing its destruction.
In turn, this leads to an inescapable logic of counter-terror. Others
feeling angry and threatened by those playing the terror game, are drawn
into using terror in response or simply using state structures that
would do the job. This is a reality. Few living in the North or the
South could say truthfully that they did not feel this way sometime. The
result is an ugly and heart- rending catastrophe for the society as a
whole. This happened throughout the country. The task of human rights
activism is to rise above the logic of terror and challenge it rather
than become part of it.
Paradoxically, the notion of ‘political
correctness’ advanced by left-liberal sections in the West has
frequently the effect of fortifying terror rather than challenging it.
In a case like Sri Lanka, they could easily identify the evil of state
repression and the resulting alienation. This leads them to a lenient
view of a group like the LTTE. They refuse to see that such groups,
while using this sympathy to challenge the State, do in fact stand for
an order that is exceedingly more inhumane and archaic than what
obtained. Although very vocal in their anti-racism, the arrogance of
some of these left- liberal sections is more insidious than racism
paraded openly. Read More
In conversation with Eshantha Peiris
We began our conversation looking at how Eshantha developed an interest
in music, and why he came back to Sri Lanka after a stint studying music
in New York. Eshantha talks about the space to create and produce
music, as well as the space to, even though he hasn’t, branch out as a
commercial artiste. Eshantha also flags what to him makes the
contemporary music scene in Sri Lanka vibrant and special.
Given Eshantha’s prowess and interest in the Baroque period, he then
answers how playing with Thriloka has influenced his approach to music.
Given that he learnt music composition Eshantha goes into why he hasn’t
composed more, and also talks briefly about his new album, which we
cover in more detail later in the interview. He also explains a
composition, done some years ago, that through its narrative structure
captures the onset and devastation of the Boxing Day tsunami that hit
Sri Lanka in 2004.
Asked why he co-founded MusicMatters, Eshantha goes into his approach
around teaching music to children. Given that Eshantha was able to study
in the US because of funding by a corporate entity in Sri Lanka, he is
asked whether the lack of a culture of supporting the development of the
arts impedes young musicians from blossoming to their fullest potential
through international exposure and learning.
We then talk about, in relation to MIA’s music and her public
utterances, what relationship an artist does and should have with her or
his political context and milieu.
Towards the end of our conversation, we go into the production of
Eshantha’s latest album, which is, to the best of our knowledge, Sri Lanka’s first crowd funded or crowd seeded music album.
Eshantha explains why he took this novel route towards producing his
album, and why embraces a Creative Commons share alike licensing model
for the music he’s composed for it. We end by talking about when he will
officially release the album in Sri Lanka, during the Musicmatters
music festival slated for early August.
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