Sunday, March 20, 2011

'Abused' child monks handed to probation
'Abused' child monks handed to probation

Aparekke Punnananda thero
Aparekke Punnananda thero is accused of sexually abusing novice monks
A court in Sri Lanka has ordered the child protection authorities to hand over two young Buddhist monks -allegedly sexually abused by a senior monk- to the custody of probation department.
Aparekke Punnananda thero, a former parliamentarian representing Sinhala nationalist Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) is accused of sexually abusing five underage novice monks.
The Child Protection Authority (CPA) has produced the two monks before Colombo Magistrates Court as per a previous court order.
The novice monks have made secret statements to the magistrate at her chambers.
The court also ordered the police to produce other three child monks allegedly abused by Punyananda thero.
After considering a report produced by the CPA, the magistrate ordered the authorities to submit a report whether there are any other underage novice monks in the Budhhist temple where the suspect is the chief incumbent.
The CPA earlier informed the court that the suspect has admitted sexually abusing child monks under his custody.
Aparekke Punyananda thero, who is on bail, appeared before the court on Friday with security provided by the Ministerial Security Division. 
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