Saturday, March 12, 2011

An explosion has blown the roof off a Fukishima nuclear power plant

Saturday 12 March 2011
An explosion has blown the roof off a Fukishima nuclear power plant, north of Tokyo - injuring several workers and raising fears of a disastrous meltdown, following yesterday's earthquake and tsunami.

Explosion at nuclear plant following Japan tsunami

It was one of two reactors which were placed under a state of emergency yesterday - after the 8.9 magnitude earthquake sent a massive tsunami wave smashing across Japan's north east coast.
The Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, warned there could be a radiation leak at one of the Daichi reactors, after its cooling system broke down.
Repeated efforts to get it working have failed - and the Nuclear Safety Industry Agency said radiation levels inside the plant were 1,000 times the normal level. Nisa also said it had detected cesium - showing the material covering the fuel rods could

Full Story>>>

Posted by Thavam