Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hansard of March 08, 2011

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 Pagas 109-110 in Tamil

Tamil National Alliance Kilinochchi district parlimentarian S. Sreetharan said in Parliament on Wednesday,


Tamil National Alliance Kilinochchi district parlimentarian S. Sreetharan


Thursday, March 10, 2011

No security guarantee for Tamil parliamentarians: TNA MP

Over the attack on his vehicle at Nochchiyagama on Monday, Tamil National Alliance Ki'linochchi district parlimentarian S. Sreetharan said in Parliament on Wednesday, “It is clear that there is no security guarantee for MPs in this country. How can a Tamil here expect security from the state?” He further stated that while he was passing Medawachchiya on Monday at 5:30 p.m., a white colored van without a number plate overtook their vehicle. When they approached Ullukku'lam the said vehicle was parked on the side of the road and three men got off from the vehicle and fired at them using small weapons. In return, his security guards fired back before the assassins threw a grenade at his vehicle and fled the scene.

The assassination attempt follows Mr. Sritharan's criticism against the SL government allowing its military to register details of Tamil civilians with photos. He made the criticism in the local election campaign meetings in Vanni in recent days.

In the past, TNA MP N Raviraj was brutally assassinated in Colombo. Another TNA MP, Joseph Pararajasingham, was assassinated inside a Batticoloa cathedral during a Chritmas eve. The vehicle of TNA MP K Sivanesan was attacked with a claymore mine in Vanni and he was killed on the spot. No investigations have been carried out so far on the above assassinations.

The SL military has a record of passing the blame on the LTTE for all political killings.

Now, when the SL government says that the LTTE is gone, on whom it is going to pass the blame for Monday's attack on Sritharan MP, was the question asked among the opposition.

Sri Lankan Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, the brother of SL President Mahinda Rajapaksa, told the SL House that there would be a full probe on the incident.
