Wednesday, 06 July 2011

UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera said today that there is a possibility of Sri Lanka being taken before the International Criminal Court (ICC) before the end of this year by the International Community on the allegations of human rights violations leveled against the country during the war.
Addressing a press conference he said that the government has resorted to laughable acts in rejecting the allegations without conducting a proper investigation. He added that the government should be thankful to Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe as it was because Sri Lanka did not become a signatory to the ICC when he was the Prime Minister that the present government is safe for the moment.
He noted that even a country that is not a signatory to the ICC could be hauled before it on the recommendations of the UN Security Council.
PTI | 05:07 PM,Jul 06,2011 Chennai, Jul 6 (PTI) A three-day World Tamil Writers Conference will be held between October 28 to 30 in Singapore and would focus on diaspora Tamil literature. "For the first time, we are organising a world level Tamil writers conference. This is part of the Singapore Writers Festival," N Andiappan, a writer and of the Association of Singapore Tamil Writers, told reporters here. The conference would focus on diaspora Tamil literature and more than 300 delegates from India, Germany, Korea, Canada, France and Australia are expected to participate. Observing that the Tamil literature in Singapore was about "100 to 150 years" behind that of Tamil Nadu, Andiappan said the conference would help writers from across the world interact and discuss major discourses in Tamil literature. The conference would also focus on literature through blogs, translation issues and non-Tamil academics from University of California were also expected to take part, writer Malan said. The conference is supported by the Government of Singapore, where Tamil is one of the official languages along with Chinese, English and Malay.