Monday, September 26, 2011

Rajapakse panicking following the Washington lawsuit sends his wife, a Christian to Buddhist temple in his place

(Lanka-e-News -25.Sep.2011, 3.00P.M.) Following the legal suit filed by an Organization of the Washington University law faculty against a Sri Lankan Diplomat, his diplomatic immunity notwithstanding, the President Rajapakse was in a state of shock and panic in New York . Gripped by the fear which held him back from traveling outside the bounds of New York , he decided to send his wife of the Christian faith in his place to the Buddhist Temple in Queens to partake in the temple function which he had previously agreed to attend.More >>

Monks destroy Muslim shrine as police stand idle

BBC News  But a prominent Muslim in the area said he was very sad and the sentiment was shared by many Sinhalese too.  
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Ganadeviya (deity) statue at Anurapura burnt down using tires

 (Lanka-e-News -16.March.2011, 11.00PM) According to reports reaching Lanka e news, a Hindu Temple situated at Devanam piyatissa Mawatha, Anuradhapura had been set on fire by a violent marauding group on the 14th night.

This Temple which had been in existence since 1983, are visited by Tamil as well as Sinhala people for religious activities. 

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‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’

“You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.”
by Gareth Thomas
( July 02, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) I rise to raise two issues. 
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TamilNetBishop's House appeals to Vatican to urge Colombo to renovate Vanni churches