Monday, November 7, 2011

Commonwealth told of 'political revenge'

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
The CPA was told that the government was trying to suppress and oppress the opposition
An opposition parliamentarian has lodged a formal complaint with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) against alleged intimidation by the government.
United National Party (UNP) MP, Anoma Gamage, in her letter to CPA General Secretary Dr William F Shija alleges that the government “is trying to suppress and oppress” opposition MPs by bringing in new regulations.
The government, which commands a two thirds majority in the parliament, says it is determined to go ahead with the Revival of Underperforming Enterprises and Underutilized Assets Act despite protests from the UNP, business leaders and the Bar Association.
Mrs Gamage is a director of Sevanagala Sugar Industries Ltd, one of the 37 enterprises listed to be acquired by the government under the pretext as a “underutilised” company.
Sarath Fonseka
The letter, handed over to Mr Shija by Jayalath Jayawardene, MP, in London alleges that the government move is a violation of her fundamental rights.
 This action of the government is act of crass intimidation aimed at stifling our political activities. It is nothing but an act of political revenge
Anoma Gamage, MP

Noting that her company is a profitable enterprise, Mrs Gamage says that the move is also a violation of Commonwealth principals.
"This action of the government is act of crass intimidation aimed at stifling our political activities. It is nothing but an act of political revenge," the letter said.
Dr Jayawardene told BBC Sandeshaya that the failure of the Commonwealth to appoint human rights envoy at CHOGM in Australia might lead to more such incidents.
"Human rights abuses such as this case would not have occurred had the Commonwealth leaders appointed the rights envoy at Perth summit," the UNP deputy general secretary said.
He is on a European tour highlighting Sri Lanka’s human rights situation with the EU and international leaders.
He has handed over an appeal to Pope Benedict XVI, in late October, on behalf of former parliamentarian Gen Sarath Fonseka, who is serving a prison sentence.