Saturday, June 2, 2012

31 years Remembrance of Jaffna library burnt by Government of Sri Lanka
Saturday, 02 June 2012 

Burning of Jaffna Library was one of the many unpunished crime done by successive governments of Sri Lanka against humanity, Tamil culture and civilization.
Last night
I dreamt
Buddha was shot dead
by the Police,
guardians of the law.
His body drenched in blood
on the steps
of the Jaffna Library
Under cover of darkness
came the ministers.
“His name is not on our list,
why did you kill him?”
they ask angrily,
“No sirs, no,
there was no mistake.
Without killing him
it was impossible
to harm a fly –
Therefore… ,” they stammered.
“Alright, then
hide the corpse.”
The ministers return.
The men in civvies
dragged the corpse
into the library.
They heaped the books
ninety thousand in all,
and lit the pyre
With the Cikalokavadda Sutta.
Thus the remains
of the Compassionate One
were burned to ashes
along with the Dhammapada.
Courtesy- Groundviews