Friday, August 3, 2012

‘Jana Pelagasma’ warmly received in the North – 1st defeat of Rajapaksa regime states JVP

logoTHURSDAY, 02 AUGUST 2012

The procession of vehicles for the ‘Jana Pelagasma’ mass agitation by the JVP that commenced from Dondara Point on the 27th ended yesterday (1st) at Point Pedro. Tamil masses warmly welcomed the JVP leaders when they reached Jaffna town.
The procession of vehicles with JVP leaders drove through Medawachchiya, Vavuniya and Killinochchi towns and reached Jaffna where they carried out an awareness programme and a meeting.
Addressing the crowd JVP Leader Somawansa Amarasinghe said, “We came to meet you after commencing a new movement of struggle. The JVP came to the North with a new message from the South. ‘Jana Pelagasma’ that commenced from the South victoriously reached Jaffna today. The procession of vehicles of the ‘Jana Pelagasma’ enters records in this country’s history as the longest protest procession of vehicles ever to be held. The government attempted to stop the journey. However, Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated. This is only their first defeat. Rajapaksa administration will be confronted with a series of defeats in the future.”