Wednesday, August 29, 2012

President instigates Elections Commissioner to act against Berty

Tuesday, 28 August 2012
The President is working towards appointing Minster S.M. Chandrasena’s brother, S.M. Ranjith as the Chief Minister of the North Central Province in place former Chief Minister Berty Premalal Dissanayake, who is also aiming at the post. Therefore, a special operation has commenced against Berty Premalal Dissanayake through the Elections Department.
Officials from the Elections Department have conducted raids on Dissanayake’s election activities on a directive from the President’s office.
Elections officials have inspected most of Dissanayake’s election offices and have sealed some of them.
When inquired into the matter, it was evident that Dissanayake was engaged in campaign in violation of election laws. Chandrasena’s brother, S.M. Ranjith also engaged in a similar election campaign. The election officers are however silent about the matter.
Chandrasena has commenced a propaganda campaign to distribute thousands of mamoties among farmers misusing state funds. Every parcel distributed among the people carry Ranjith’s preferential number.
The Elections Department says that although there have been several complaints received on the matter, action could not be taken due to the lack of substantial evidence to prove it.
Meanwhile, Dissanayake has publicly stated that regardless of the challenges he would once again be elected as the Chief Minister of the North Central Province.
It is in this backdrop that the President told a rally in Ratnapura that the chief ministerial post would be given to the most suitable candidate this time. He said that the preferential numbers and votes would not be taken into account.
The President has told a minister at the rally that a new person needed to be appointed as the Chief Minster for North Central Province since there were many allegations of corruption against Dissanayake.