Friday, August 31, 2012

WikiLeaks: Mahinda Told Clinton That There Was ‘No’ Shelling In The Safe Zone, But Basil Told ‘Yes’

By Colombo Telegraph -August 30, 2012
Mahinda and Basil
Colombo Telegraph“Rajapaksa is the first Sri Lankan official who has been forthcoming when discussing Sri Lankan Army shelling of the safe zone. However, we were disappointed to hear him claim that medical supplies were reaching the wounded in the safe zone when it is clear from Embassy Colombo reporting that there have not been shipments since February 20. His comments on visas for ICRC staff were unhelpful, but unsurprising given the Sri Lankan government,s attitude towards international aid workers” US State Department wrote to US Embassy Colombo. 

Under the subheading “Sri Lankan Army Shelling” the US State Department wrote “Boucher inquired about Sri Lankan Army shelling into the safe zone. Rajapaksa admitted that there may be some shelling of the safe zone, but that top military leadership had instructed field commanders not to target the safe zone or respond to fire from the safe zone. He noted that the Sri Lankan Army has taken many casualties, including 200 injured and 70 killed on March 17. Boucher emphasized that the Sri Lankan President had told Secretary Clinton that there was no shelling in the safe zone and there should be no shelling. He requested that Rajapaksa ensure that the Army Commanders orders are respected by the field officers.”A classified diplomatic cable which details a meeting the US Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Boucher has had with Sri Lankan Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa on March 18, 2009. The Colombo Telegraph found the related US diplomatic cable from the Secretary of State section of the WikiLeaks database. The cable was classified as “Confidential” signed by Hillary Clinton on March 19, 2009.
“Turning to the ongoing civil war, Boucher thanked Rajapaksa for working closely with US Ambassador Blake in Colombo and asked Rajapaksa about the Sri Lankan government,s plans for the last days of the war, indicating that any kind of major military sweep through remaining Tamil Tiger territory would &be a major international problem.8 Rajapaksa indicated that the government is not planning for this kind of intervention, but has been working with Catholic bishops in the conflict area to find a land route by which civilians can leave.” the US State Department further wrote.
Boucher and Basil also discussed the issues re economy, medical shipments to safe zone GOSL refusal of visas for ICRC Staff, accepting the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights request for a fact finding mission to Sri Lanka. Read the cable below for further details;
P 192145Z MAR 09
C O N F I D E N T I A L STATE 026714 

E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/19/2019
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