Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lawyers urge the Government to cease attack on Judiciary: urge public to standby Chief Justice and the Judicial Service Commission (JSC)

(Lanka-e-News -30.Oct.2012, 11.00PM) The Lawyers’ for Democracy are concerned about the ongoing unprecedented mudslinging campaign and all forms of attacks against the Judiciary. This has far reaching and repercussions on the rule of law.

We are shocked to hear of the contents of the parliamentary debate where there were baseless attacks on the JSC and we are further disturbed at the fact that the parliament has been mislead on the appointment of the Secretary of the JSC.

There is a general apprehension that an impeachment motion is being contemplated targeting the Chief Justice with a view to intimidating her on her judicial pronouncements.
We consider it as an attack on the independence of the Judiciary and on the Rule of Law. Having regard to the importance of the independence of the Judiciary we unreservedly call upon the government to cease this onslaught on the Judiciary.

We further express our fullest confidence in the Chief Justice and the JSC and the Judiciary in general. We hope that the public will stand by the Judiciary at this hour of need. We urge that all public conscience citizens to come forward to protect the last bastion of Democracy and Justice.