Monday, December 3, 2012

Sri Lankan military lashes out at deserter who fled to Canada, gave ‘insider’s account’ of government torture

Passport photo of Ravindra Priyashantha Watudura Bandanage, who was a captain in the Sri Lanka Army until he fled to Canada and deserted. He has told immigration officials the army ordered him to place a bomb in the home of a Tamil Member of parliament in Sri Lanka.
From Federal Court of CanadaStewart Bell | Dec 2, 2012
TORONTO— The Sri Lankan military lashed out Sunday at an army deserter who has fled to Canada and claimed his superiors ordered him to place a bomb at the home of a well-known opposition Member of Parliament.
While the defence ministry confirmed the captain had gone AWOL, it said his account of being ordered to plant explosives was a lie by “a man of dubious repute and questionable integrity towards his motherland.”
The ex-captain’s allegations of abuses committed by the Sri Lanka Army during the island nation’s conflict with Tamil rebels surfaced at his refugee hearing in Winnipeg and were first reported last week by the National Post.
