Saturday, December 1, 2012

University students' federation Secretary arrested at midnight

Saturday , 01 December 2012
Jaffna university students' union Secretary P.Tharshananth aged 24 years was arrested by Kopay police from his residence was the statement made by his mother to "Udayan" newspaper.

She further said, “at about 1.00 a.m during midnight hours, four persons attired in civil clothes knocked their home door. After examining the identity card of Tharshananth, they informed that they need to take him to the Kopay police station to take a statement. I yelled and cried it is not proper to take him, but ignoring my pleas, they took away Tharshananth. I saw them taking Tharshananth, in a vehicle which was parked outside”.

Mother of Tharshanth with tears informed that the police did not submit any documents for his arrest.

Regarding this complaint, when contacted the Kopay police station over the phone to confirm the information, a reply was in half Tamil, and the caller informed there is none who is conversant in English or Tamil available in the police station.

Meanwhile Deputy Vice Chancellor Siriyar Velnambi informed that two students from the Jaffna University were taken for police investigation.

Regarding a complaint made to the Kopay police, two students’ names were sent to the University Vice Chancellor.

Vice Channellor said, “I took them to the police station, and after investigation they were proved innocent, and were released today”.

K.Jenamenon the leader of the arts faculty students’ union and science faculty student S.Solaman were under police investigation.

Two days back a petrol bomb was flung at a party office located at Thirunelveli area, and after a complaint made, these two students was arrested was mentioned by the police.

Photographs of S.Solaman who was trapped in the midst of police baton charge at the protest held on last Wednesday at the Jaffna university on, was published in all medias. Hence this may be the reason for his arrest, is speculated by the students.