Wednesday, January 30, 2013

End Violence Against Women:”I Am Rising…”: Anoushka Shankar

Colombo Telegraph
January 29, 2013
Anoushka Shankar in support of One Billion Rising, a global movement to end violence against women.  Anoushka Shankar, renowned musician and composer, recorded this personal and poignant message from her home in London. 
Meanwhile “One Billion Rising Sri Lanka” says; “In the run up to this day, we’re organizing an online campaign to find out why you will rise; ‘REASONS TO RISE’. We invite you to send in photographs, videos, notes, blog posts, artwork, songs and anything else you can think of, telling us why you will RISE on February 14th. Please note that it can be in Sinhala, Tamil and/or English. Email your submissions in to and we will feature them daily on the OBR page and twitter account.”
Visit their page;