A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Friday, March 1, 2013
Listening To Sri Lanka’s Painful Presentation
the proposed UNHRC resolution heading nowhere? Would the rehashing of old
undelivered promises and the continued defiance of the military, still
maintaining its claim of zero civilian casualties be enough for Sri Lanka to go
home celebrating: Are countries preparing for the long haul, giving Sri Lanka
the luxury of time, at the expense of justice for the victims? Or is the noose
tightening on the Rajapaksas? An Opinion.
Listening to Mahinda
Samarasinghe making his presentation for
Sri Lankaat the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights
Council was painful. There was no substance in his report. Period! It
was merely a regurgitation of the Sri Lankan government’s past presentations,
characterized by the usual lack of any substantive action. It was a complete
rehash of past promises that to this day has yet to materialise. It was an
insult to the intelligence of those listening! Whether the members of the UNHRC
would swallow it hook line and sinker as on previous occasions will be known in
a few days. The world awaits in anticipation but there is little hope that any
concrete steps will be taken by the members of the UNHRC to move to the next
phase of investigating Sri Lanka’s conduct of the war and its mass killing of
civilians through an independent international body; thereby putting an end to
the continuing culture of government impunity and the defiance of the army that
still maintains it followed a policy of “zero civilian casualties” in the war,
putting the blame on civilian casualties onLTTE as
per its “new plan of action” to implement the LLRC “observations”.
next phase should include an international human rights field presence, an
international protective mechanism, in the Tamil heartland of the NorthEast to
prevent military and government abuses and intransigencies now happening in the
occupied Tamil heartland. Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)
is putting this initiative front and centre in its engagement this session in
addition to an international independent inquiry.
would call Sri Lanka’s Minister for Plantation Industries and Special Envoy to
President Rajapaksa,
Mr. Samarasinghe’s speech the biggest bluff that has been foisted on the world,
a presentation devoid of integrity and delivered with no compunction; hopefully
not on a gullible and unsuspecting audience.
Lankacouldn’t have fooled those of us who keep a close watch on the ground
MP appeals to IC to “Save Country from this Government”
Earlier Mathiapranam
Sumanthiran, Tamil National Alliance MP, was scathing in his remarks
about the Sri Lankan government’s gross inaction and appealed to the
international community to save the country from the Sri Lankan government: “Not
one recommendation of the LLRC has been implemented, not one item in the
National Action Plan has been touched,” he said as he cried out to the world to
“save the country from this government..”
5 Rs Refuted
to the 5 Rs i.e. Reconstruction Resettlement Rehabilitation, Reintegration and
Reconciliation Mr. Samarasinhe, proudly claimed all of the Rs have been
achieved. Dr Paul
Newman, from the Bangalore University vigorously refuted such claims
in his article: Lies
Retold – The Annual Sri Lankan Ritual at the UNHRC:
than 93,000 people are estimated to still be displaced as of late December 2012,
living in camps in Vavuniya,Jaffna and Trincomalee districts, in transit sites
or with host communities. Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
(January 24, 2013)….In Jaffna alone 70,000 Tamils are yet to return home as
their land is occupied as High Security Zones. The entirevillage of Mullikulamis
displaced into the jungles and a naval complex is coming up the area. In Jaffna
the Talsevana military resort has come up in the place of land occupied from
Tamils,” he writes.
a glance my own observations on the pronouncements made by Mr. Samarasinghe
centered round subtle but serious misrepresentations. The 27% growth in the GDP
in the North was misleading. The 27% growth rate in the North does not reflect
any improvement in quality of life of ordinary Tamil people but is due to the
unbridled expansion of the Military in the NorthEast and the huge expenses
including salaries that comes with it.
to address: were measure taken in self defence legal?
court of inquiry by the army commander on civilian casualties has been mentioned
before and is mentioned again. There is already a report out in the public
domain which the Army Board prepared on the implementations of the LLRC
observations that was handed to Gotabaya
Rajapaksa. It found that Sri Lanka “as a sovereign state has an
inherent right to self defence” and that the Sri Lankan army’s actions were
essentially to destroy a terrorist organization in defense of the land: “Sri
Lanka having the “absolute right to take all legal measure necessary to restore
law and order arising…(among other) out of terrorism,” it concluded. The focus
here should be on “legal measures” whether the measures taken were legal in
accordance with international law. If the Sri Lankan army has only taken “legal
measure” it need not hesitate in the least to submit to an international
sticking to its claim that casualties caused by LTTE only
the “Plan of Action” proposed by the Army Board on implementation of the
Recommendations of the LLRC that has been submitted at this session is a white
wash in my opinion and points to civilian deaths committed by the LTTE only, the
army still sticking to the claim that it maintained a policy of “zero civilian
casualties”: “The so called civilian casualties are mainly consisted of LTTE
cadres killed in combat, civilians killed by LTTE for political and other ends
and civilians killed by the LTTE whilst attempting to flee LTTE held areas,” and
that the “The S.L. Constitution and the existing legal framework are adequate to
safeguard Human Rights,” the report concluded. In other words is the army
sayingSri Lankais not going to consider international law although it has to
adhere to the UN Charter and United Nations Declaration on Human Rights and
other treaties it has signed up to? I knowSri Lankahas not signed on to the
Statute of Rome but it has ratified in 1959 the Geneva Conventions 1-1V (not
protocols1-3) that govern many of the laws pertaining to war.
the roles of Senior Military and Political leaders including the President be
inquired into in an Army Court of inquiry?
inquiry into allegations of Sri Lankan army atrocities committed by the top
brass both political and military by the Sri Lankan army would amount to
nothing. Not only is the military investigating its own, the question that the
TGTE would need answers to is whether the inquiry would go far enough;
especially when it involves the whole sale massacre of innocent civilians and
the government is defiant that it did not kill civilians. An inquiry that does
not involve President Rajapaksa, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Sarath
Fonseka, Palitha Kohone, Shavendra Silva and other commanders of
various divisions including the Navy and Air Force would not serve the cause of
justice for the tens of thousands who perished in what the Tamil people and the
TGTE insist was genocide.
important to bear in mind that the Sri Lankan army’s image now stands battered
beyond repair under its Commander in Chief, President Rajapaksa and Defence
Minister Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the latest allegations coming from Human Rights
Watch which reported on 75 cases of sexual abuse including rape and torturecommitted
by members of the Sri Lankan armed forces on Tamil detainees.
UN Officers doing their duty,
Samarasinghe’s lambasting of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Navi
Pillay and the OHCHR was out of order and shows the Sri Lankan
government’s edginess when it comes to objective criticism and illustrates what
their future response would be to UN officers and UN mandate holders doing their
duty. Will Sri Lanka willingly cooperate with UN experts monitoring Sri Lanka’s
implementation of the LLRC recommendations? Although Mr. Samarasinghe touched on
it, blaming the High Commissioner for sending emissaries only to obtain
information for her report the question of further cooperation between the two
on the implementation of the LLRC remains to be seen. Whether the intended
resolution for a UN monitoring service to force Sri Lanka into action is
something that Sri Lanka would agree to, also remain to be seen. This question
was raised by Dinouk Colombage in his article: Is the US resolution on Sri
Lanka justified?
Progress not true
‘Social Progress’ Mr. Samarasinghe mentioned, achieved through “strengthening of
the civil administration” and by the “provision of livelihood support” is not
true. There is still 1 army personnel to 5 civilian in the NorthEast. The
Military Governor is now ruling the Tamil heartland with orders coming from the
President and his brothers, namely Basil
Rajapaksa from the Ministry of Economic development and Gotabaya
Rajapaksa from the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development. The kind of
military corporate culture that exists is not found in any other military in any
part of the world; I am talking about the army selling its produce to the public
on a corporate scale. The manipulation of the demographic composition by
government sponsored colonization to bring in ethnic Sinhalese, the take over of
private and state owned land including arable land for military purposes, not to
mention the movement of a disproportionate number of Sinhala fishermen into the
area, have all negatively impacted the livelihood opportunities of the
indigenous ethnic Tamil population.
progress on Trinco and ACF cases
presentation lacked any fresh new initiatives or showed any progress made on
earlier fronts. The same line, the same lies were repeated yet again. With
regard to cases relating to the execution style murders of 5 Trinco students and
17 ACF aid workers, Mr. Samarasinge was regurgitating the steps the government
promised to take in its previous reports. The government is still on the non
summary proceedings stage with regard to the student murders. It is an outrage
to keep listening to the same lies over and over again.
to the LLRC recommendation to inquire into allegations contained in the Channel
4 documentary Killing Fields, Mr. Samrasinghe said that it would be
the government’s next task – although these very words were repeated in the
National Action Plan submitted at the UPR.
must address allegations in two imminent reports
is time the UNHCR officially looked into the findings of two eminent reports
sponsored by the UN itself, namely the Expert Panel Report and the Internal
Review Panel Report, both of which point to serious allegations that must be
investigated by an independent commission. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s
failure to pass on the Expert Panel Report to the UNHCR, his failure to invoke
article 99 of the UN Charter during and after the last stages of the war, are
matters that require addressing .The Security Council’s failure to act to
prevent the carnage and apply the principle of Responsibility To Protect, R2P
and the serious matter of UN complicity in the bloodbath that occurred cannot be
wants Special Adviser’s report on genocide made public
TGTE itself wants the report that the Special Adviser on the Prevention of
Genocide prepared during the last stages of the war but never released to be
made public, which was referred to in the Internal Review Panel Report. The TGTE
Prime Minister Visuvanathan
Rudrakumaran said the TGTE is focusing on two major issues at these
sessions: “Firstly calling for an international independent investigation with a
view to bringing justice for the victims of genocide; Secondly TGTE will focus
on Tamil ethnocentric human rights violations rather than ethno neutral
violations,” he explained.
case for an international independent investigation has been made
erosion of democratic values, the breakdown in the rule of law, the end of a
functioning independent judiciary and the move to a fully fledged dictatorship
all go to advance the arguments that there is no alternative to an international
independent investigation, although 40,000 deaths (and possibly more) according
Kenneth Roth of the HRW should “be reason enough” for such an inquiry.
is shameful that Sri Lankacould stand up in this august body and report no
progress since the last resolution during the 19th session that
called for the implementation of the LLRC recommendations. It is shameful that
having made no progress what so everSri Lanka has the gall to appear before the
Council without delivering the goods; at least to show some results.
international media and INGOs free access
an independent verification of the true ground situation,Sri Lankamust allow
free access to the international media and free movement for major INGO’s. The
veteran human rights defender and activist DrBrian
Senewiratne, Senator of the TGTE has vehemently stated that this is
indeed a priority more than anything else in a country still operating under the
dreaded PTA; where the people are muzzled and cannot speak unless in stage
managed circumstances under the watchful eye of the military; where there is a
concerted effort to destroy the Tamil identity, culture and language even
religions in the name of integration: “Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
and International Crisis Group must now be admitted to the Tamil North &
East immediately. There cannot now be any reason to exclude internationally
credible human rights organisations from the area,” the Senator stated.
Clergy on ground situation
group of concerned Christian clergy men and women in the NorthEast made an
appeal to the High Commissioner, Ms Pillay to go beyond the last resolution: “We
feel that the killing and disappearance of tens of thousands of Tamil people and
actions that are suppressing the Tamil people and community, our culture,
religions, language and, land in a systematic way before, during and after the
war appears to be done with an intent to destroy us in whole or in part and
thus, it is imperative that the international community addresses this seriously
even at this late stage,” they stated in their letter.
week resolution in the cards, justice delayed is justice denied