Friday, March 29, 2013

Research participants needed for study of Tamil diaspora in Toronto

LogoAddress: , Toronto, ON Canada-Date: 2013-04-06 at 12:00 pm

Issue: Understanding identity in the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora after 2009 

Official Study Name: Migrant geographies of politics, identity and belonging 

Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 

Researchers: Principal Investigator: Dr. Jennifer Hyndman, York University (; 
Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam, Post-doctoral Fellow, York University (; 
Research Associate, Ms. Gayathri Naganathan ( 

This research explores the identities of Sri Lankan Tamils in Canada after May 2009. We aim to understand how multiculturalism (in relation to Canada) and transnational connections (linking people here with Sri Lanka) play out among Sri Lankan Tamils in the Greater Toronto Area. 

We would like to conduct interviews with a broad spectrum of people, both those born in Sri Lanka and those born in Canada, and are recruiting volunteers. We are interested in your perspective and opinions on these questions. With your consent, interviews would be recorded and are expected to last about 60 minutes at a location convenient to you. 

A small honorarium in the form of a gift card worth $20 will be given to each research participant as a token of appreciation for her/his time and input. Your name will be kept confidential and will not appear anywhere in the research, or in any report or publication.

Please send an email to Jennifer, Amarnath, or Gayathri if you are interested. We very much hope that you will be willing to take part.

Name: Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam