Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Tolerant Sri Lanka: How far will we go?

3 Apr, 2013
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The past few weeks have seen a rise in incidents and publicly expressed sentiments against the Muslim community by groups who claim to represent the rights of Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Expressing concerns of undue place given to Muslims in Sri Lanka – from entrance to the Law College to issuing Halal certification to even increase in Muslim population and property ownership by Muslims, groups such as the Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya have taken it upon themselves to educate the Sinhala Buddhists on these concerns.
While these groups declare to be non-violent, speeches given by them at various rallies, defamatory references to individuals and the attacks on Muslim owned businesses in the past few weeks give the impression of a situation of vigilante groups gathering strength.
It is in this context that Social Indicator, the survey research unit of the Centre for Policy Alternatives created this online questionnaire. How seriously should we take the anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed? Are the Bodu Bala Sena justified in their actions? What is the role of the media? What actions should the Government take? Ten questions have been designed to provide a snapshot of public perception on these issues Sri Lanka is experiencing at present.
 The questionnaire will be open for responses from today until 11 April 2013.
Click on the image above or here to answer the questionnaire (will take around 5 minutes).