Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Galagoda Thero asks for US$ 2,000 to visit Paris to meet lady friend

Tuesday, 02 April 2013 
Bodhu Bala Sena’s Ven. Galagodaththe Gnanasara Thero has sent a message to an illicit brewer and businessman friend to send him US$ 2,000 to make a visit to Paris.
The Thero is to visit Paris in April during summer to meet his lady friend in Paris and holiday with her. He is currently engaged in collecting monies for his great trip from illicit liquor brewers and casino businessmen.
Illicit liquor brewers and casino businessmen are now competing to provide funds for Bodhu Bala Sena to prevent any protest campaign that could arise against their businesses. Although the organization receives massive cash donations its bank account does not even have sufficient funds to print a poster since the senior members of the organization collects these monies for their personal use.
There is no account of the monies given to the organization by a French NGO and the Norwegian government

“Dayata Kirula” commissions and kickbacks

Tuesday, 02 April 2013 
Several roads that were developed for the Dayata Kirula exhibition in Ampara area are not upto standards. In Ampara Uhana main road near the air force camp in the Alikanda area road has been cracked and removed.
Further, Ampara D.S Senanayake Mawatha is also in a bad state, which was developed at a cost of Rs 200-300 million. At present roads along the Uva Development Bank and Pubudu Institute have been removed several concretes slabs and people in the areas facing enormous inconvenience.
It is said that with the conclusion of the Dayata Kirula exhibition roads that were developed are in a dilapidated condition, the reason being the government has given tenders for their henchmen at a higher amount when there were tenders called for lower cost. Due to these irregularities people in the area encountered with a lot of inconvenience. Most of the people in the area say that some have taken kick backs and commission from contractors when awarding tenders for them.