A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, June 1, 2013
Chances of the Thirteenth Amendment survival down to slim and none

“We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
The Thirteenth Amendment which saw passage in Parliament in August 1987
amidst civil chaos and political turmoil, once again has gained unusual
attention from political quarters, both international and local. What is
even more bewildering is, after accomplishing a military victory of
unprecedented scale and crushing all hopes of a Tamil Ealam and after
eliminating the last semblance of any militant resistance from the
Northern Tamils, the very constitutional modification offered via the
Thirteenth Amendment to the people of the North and the East, is now
under threat. The victorious Sinhalese politicians led by the fringe
elements of the Government Coalition and most unambiguously backed by
the military establishment (which is close to the ruling elite) of the
country, are now crying out loud to galvanize the hardcore Sinhalese
Buddhists of the land towards the abolition of that Constitutional
campaign launched by the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), led by their
charismatic leader Champika Ranawaka to get the Thirteenth Amendment
abrogated, firstly in Courts of Law and then in Parliament by means of
another amendment to the Constitution is yet to receive any public
support but surely the coming weeks would show the country if it is so
concerned about a constitutional amendment now, especially in the wake
of a formidable victory on the battlefield for the Sri Lankan Security
Forces four years ago. Maverick Parliamentarian Wimal Weerawansa, the
Minster of Housing too is placing all his bets along with the JHU,
although this is not the first time that he is attempting to show the
country that his brand of ‘patriotism’ is unique and without precedent.
Both the leader of the JHU and Wimal Weerawansa are noteworthy
comrades-in-arms of the defense establishment. Both of them enjoy a
tremendous amount of support from all those pseudo-patriots who emerged
after the ‘War-Victory’ and their collective appeal to the gullible and
unsuspecting Sri Lankan village voter might hold more water than any
liberal-minded pundit would assert.
Both Weerawansa and Ranawaka were placed first and third respectively in
the Colombo district in the last General Elections held in 2010, which
fact shows that both enjoy remarkable backing from
the Government voters. Weerawansa appeals to the déclassé while Ranawaka
has in his pocket the Sinhalese Buddhist middle class that broke away
from the United National Party in the wake of its failed attempt to
implement the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA), which as a matter of fact
signaled the death-knell to the UNP from the indigenous voting
population in Sri Lanka. That middle class Sinhalese Buddhist voting
bloc, unlike the typical Sinhalese voter whose sympathies generally lie
with the United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA), is a decisive segment
in the population by their very nature of being, not only portrayed as,
but in real fact, an influential factor of the country’s voting pattern.
UNP decline
That middle-class managed to convert thousands of UNP supporters to vote
for Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2005 and unfortunately for the UNP, they chose
to stay that way once the election was over. The revamped war effort
engineered by the Rajapaksa regime further assured this class that they
had made the right choice not only by the country, but also by the UNP.
With the revelations regarding the back-channel activities connected to
the signing of the Ceasefire Agreement came to light the UNP’s goose was
cooked as far as the Sinhalese Buddhist vote was concerned. More than
the war-victory that came about under the Rajapaksa rule, what cemented
the departure of this particular Sinhalese Buddhist vote from the UNP
was this Ceasefire Agreement.
factors seem to have conspired against the United National Party and
its leader. The CFA, war-victory, Ranil’s personal demeanor especially
when he is found among
public, Mahinda Rajapaksa’s personal charisma, an increasing number of
non-Buddhist politicians at the helm of the UNP, totally chaotic
organizational structure spearheaded by an incompetent Party General
Secretary, lack of grass-root support and lack of acceptable regional
leaders have all contributed to the slow but sure decay of the United
National Party as a nationally-recognized political heavyweight. The
party structure that J R Jayewardene and R Premadasa built with the able
and unstinted support of Gamini Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali,
Nissanka Wijeratne, Festus Perera, Ronnie de Mel, A C S Hameed, Cyril
Mathew and numerous others took only one and half decades to fall flat
on the ground. An overwhelmingly popular party that could boast about
some stupendous economic and social achievements was reduced to a
35%-political entity, hardly recognized by the Sinhalese-Buddhist
majority as their Party.
In this chaotic and messy background, the UNP began to further alienate
the majority community both inside and outside Parliament. The
Government propaganda machine went to work and the
they painted about the UNP and its leader/s started assuming
authenticity both in style and substance. The failure on the part of
this mainstream Party contributed largely to the subjective conditions
currently prevailing in the country.
validity of the Thirteenth Amendment is being challenged only in these
murky circumstances. When one sets these conditions in the context of
numerous but significant other factors that influenced to create the
prevalent dilemma about the Thirteenth Amendment, one sees that it is
only logical and inevitable that the fringe elements of the Government
is only striking because they have realized that the proverbial iron is
still hot. In an attempt to eradicate any semblance of a chance of the
UNP coming to power, they are in a crusade to ‘kill’ the UNP. As my
barber told me the other day, the UNP has ‘expired’.
I have been reiterating over and over again that there is no one or two
single factors that are responsible for the unfortunate situation this
country is finding itself in today. But the near-demise of the UNP
features right on top of all those reasons.
Mahawansa Mindset and Sinhala-Tamil Pacts
One other major contributor towards the present predicament about the
Thirteenth Amendment is the Mahawansa mindset that the large majority of
our people are trapped in. Consequent upon the war-victory, this
mindset has found even more fertile ground for further nourishment and
propagation. From our small days, from the time we learnt to read and
write in our schools, we have been indoctrinated in the wonders of our
kings and ministers. All our historical heroes are the Dutugemunus,
Walagmbahus and Vijayabahus. It is not different from other nations’
histories. Each nation takes it upon itself to brainwash (they call it
education) the younger generations on their war victories and that
practice cannot be helped in the context of building love for Motherland
and patriotism.
when gross exaggerations are added to the list of passionately
distorted realities, the listener or the student gets totally caught up
in the ‘angelic’ view of his or her nation. When this kind of
‘education’ is driven down by an equally passionate teacher, the
resultant effect is doubled or trebled and we end up in believing our
own embellishments and falsehoods. This happened then and it is
happening now. The best example in Sri Lanka’s context is when the
brutal war waged against the Northern Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam
(LTTE) was called a ‘humanitarian operation’. Such angelic phrases were
created by the Goebbels, Stalins and Maos and the likes when they were
engaged in campaigns of brutal suppression of ordinary people while they
had nothing whatsoever to do with the allegations that were hurled at
them. The present Sri Lankan Government has got caught in this trap- a
creation of their own- and that is why they find it exceedingly hard to
explain themselves to the International community in the various fora
such as the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) and other
Every agreement followed by violence
If one notices the process of Sri Lanka’s recent history, especially
after it gained Independence in 1948, each and every occasion when the
Sinhalese leaders came to an agreement with those of the Tamils,
violence followed even before such agreement or pact could be
implemented, each successive time larger in scale than the previous one.
In 1958 when the Bandaranaike-
Chelvanayagam Pact was signed between the two leaders, Bandaranaike was
pressurized to abrogate the Pact by the Sinhalese Buddhist leaders led
by Venerable Baddegama Wimalawansa, L H Mettananda and F R Jayasuriya.
In 1968, the Dudley-Chelvanayagam Pact too met with the same fate. In
fact, the violence that followed claimed the life of a Buddhist Monk
opposite the American Embassy. On both these occasions the two Prime
Ministers, S W R D Bandaranaike and Dudley Senanayake, both
quintessential liberals, did not have the ‘stomach’ to go through the
whole process and both Pacts were withdrawn even before they were
1987 all hell broke loose when J R Jayewardene signed the Indo-Lanka
accord with Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and the entire country
broke up in flames. Even J R’s own Prime Minister Premadasa and National
Security Minister Athulathmudali were openly against the “Accord” and
what ensued gave rise to a spate of violence unleashed by the Janatha
Vimukti Peramuna led by Rohana Wijeweera and his gang. On all those
occasions what stood out was the fact that the Sinhalese Buddhists led
by Buddhist Monks ran amok on the streets of Sri Lanka and attacked
Tamil civilians who had nothing whatsoever to do with either the
contents or the process of the “Accords” that were signed. The inner
rage that the ordinary Sinhalese Buddhists unleashed on these innocent
civilians stands today as a shameful act of murder and larceny. No
Sinhalese leader had the guts to openly declare that it was wrong.
In such a context the Thirteenth Amendment’s survival seems unlikely,
unless the President shows real desire to do justice, disregarding the
tremendous pressure that is being built around him. So far he has not
shown any wish to go in that direction. He is himself engrossed in the
very orgy of triumphalism and self-glorification. The sense of
self-righteousness that has captivated the entire Government ranks is
being treated as carte blanch to engage in anything, from corruption to
nepotism to condoning mayhem from his own disciples. The external
pressure that is being brought about by the United States and Indian
governments and the Tamil Diaspora might prevail at the end. And that
seems to be the only ‘slim’ chance that the Thirteenth Amendment would
survive and if not, the chances are none.
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