Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Hard-Hitting Autopsy Of Post-War Sri Lanka

By M.R. Narayan Swamy -July 30, 2013
M.R. Narayan Swamy
Colombo TelegraphIn Sri Lanka, where President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime seems determined to undo key aspects of a 1987 pact with India touching upon the critical area of devolution of power, one would need courage – and deep political conviction – to write the book Dayan Jayatilleka has written. The so-called Tamil nationalists might dub him a closet man of the Sri Lankan state for having served it faithfully in his previous capacity as Colombo’s envoy to the UN in Geneva at the height of the war. But that exposure probably only redoubled his understanding of what is good for Sri Lanka, where the Tamil Tigers’ rout in 2009 hasn’t led, unfortunately, to a comprehensive peace most people would have desired.
What kind of a political framework is good for Sri Lanka? The debate rages on. There are many shades of opinion across the island nation, across its ethnic and religious divide. Should Sri Lanka be a Sinhalese/Buddhist-dominated society politically, even if it claims not to be one? Should it not be a land where different religions and ethnic groups enjoy equal rights — and respect one another? Is provincial autonomy a stepping stone to separation? Can the bloodied ethnic war of over a quarter century be expected to heal wounds dramatically, now that the Tigers are history? Can those Tamils, who served as the LTTE‘s political arm be trusted to play a role in mainstream Sri Lanka? Can the situation improve? Will the wounds heal? If yes, when?                                          Read More 

Double Standards; A New Definition By The UGC

Colombo Telegraph

By Sankalpa Marasinghe -July 30, 2013 
Dr. Sankalpa Marasinghe
The phrase ‘double standards’ has been given a new definition by the University Grants Commission (UGC). This feat was achieved by the inconsistency in decision-making with regard to a very important function vested by the University Act in the UGC i.e. the granting of “Degree Awarding Status” to institutions of higher education.
The Institute of Technological Studies and the OASIS Hospital (Pvt) Ltd
In 2008, the above institute applied for “Degree Awarding Status” in order to establish a Medical Faculty which grants the MBBS degree. The application was forwarded to the UGC and at its 768th Meeting held on 20.11.2008, a subcommittee was appointed to make recommendations on the proposal to the UGC.
The Committee
The committee comprised the following most distinguished academics.
  1. Prof. M.T.M. Jiffry, Vice-Chairman, UGC (Chairman)
  2. Prof. Rohan Rajapakse, Member, UGC
  3. Prof. Sarath Abayakoon, Member, UGC
  4. Prof. Janaka de Silva, Member, UGC
  5. Prof. Rajitha Wickramasinghe, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
  6. Dr. H.H.R. Samarasinghe, President, Sri Lanka Medical Council
Appointment letters were issued on 08.12.2008 and Dr H.H.R. Samarasinghe who was the President of the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) back then declined to be a member of the subcommittee citing “Conflict of Interest”.
The Recommendations                   Read More