Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Internal rift in government explodes from the South

Internal rift in government explodes from the South

cabinet slThe government’s move to get the approval of provincial councils to the proposed amendment to repeal the current provision to merge two or more provincial councils has resulted in a split in the governing party in the Southern Province. The Cabinet has approved the amendment and decided to seek the approval of the provincial councils as well.

Political analysts say that it is a decisive moment in local politics since the split in the governing party has emerged from the South, which is the Rajapaksa’ constituency. The proposed amendment was tabled in the Southern Provincial Council by Chief Minister Shan Wijelal de Silva. The amendment created a debate between the governing party members in the council. Southern Provincial Councillor Anarkali Akarsha had telephoned MP Namal Rajapaksa and informed him that some governing party members in the council were speaking against the amendment. A few minutes later, the President had telephoned Anarkali and spoken to several governing party members through her mobile phone and asked them not to act in a manner that would place the government in difficulty.
However, the President a few days earlier had asked the provincial councillors to vote according to conscience. Nevertheless, the issue that took place in the Southern provincial Council resulted in the government directing the chief ministers from the other provinces to ensure that the amendment receives approval in their respective councils and to take stern action against those who speak against it.
Following the debate on the amendment, seven governing party members in the Southern Provincial Council had voted against it. Provincial minister Bindu Weerasinghe was also among those who voted against the amendment. Among the other who voted against are Ven. Baddegama Samitha Thero, Ananda Padmasiri Kariyawasam, Ajith Prasanna, A.G.C. Piyasiri, Weerasumana weerasinghe and Gayaneththi. Agriculutre Minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena’s brother Sarath Yapa Abetwardena had abstained from voting. The UNP and JVP councillors had voted against the proposal. However, the proposal received 22 votes in favour and 21 votes against it. The government managed to pass the proposal with one votes.
Interestingly, two UNP councillors were not in the chamber when the proposal was put to a vote. They were councillors Pushpakumara alias Raththaran who is overseas and Kapila Wellappili. The UNP Leader has decided to call for an explanation from Wellapili for the reason for being absent from the council when a vote was taken.