Monday, July 29, 2013

One Step To The North And Two To The South

By S.Sivathasan -July 29, 2013 |
A Beginning
Colombo TelegraphFor a single move with purity of motive, reciprocity from Tamils can take multiple wholesome ways. If the country’s regeneration is valued by the polity, then the concerned parties intent upon a dialogue have to move close to one another. Who is in the driver’s seat with the hand on the wheel? It is the major community, vested with the full panoply of state power, freed from any incubus that restrained it till four years back. Now it is at a vantage position to steer in the desired direction.
If the major community moves one step forward, the Tamils can move two steps towards. What inhibits? The absence of initiative to give kinetic energy to a static situation. What can be the first move? A profession of good intentions to put the past of six decades behind and a declaration of the steps to be taken for rapprochement. Withdrawing the army of occupation and appointing a civilian Governor will establish the credentials. Doing them ahead of the electionwill have optimum leverage. To proceed in this direction, the state of mind of the Tamils has to be appreciated and their psyche understood.
Aching Frustration
What vexes the Tamils both inland and out? It is the ominous presence of the military, lacerating the dignity of the people. The spread of the army throughout the Province, it’s peering into people’s lives at all times and its display of military might rub in the fact of subjugation. This is the design and the same is the effect. Tamils perceive it this way and all others see it the same way. It restrains them in every manner and impels the people to demand its removal. They are having a collective toothache and can think of nothing else unless the offending tooth is removed.
How should the extraction be done? Speedily, before the PC election. This is seen as a condition precedent to a free election. Otherwise it will be a khaki election with fatigues added. How long does it take? Within hours of signing the Accord in July 1987, the continuous roar of planes for five days to and from Palaly, bespoke the induction of the Indian Army and the moving out of the SL Army. With decision taken by India to vacate SL, the operation took but a few weeks. Even such assets as fence posts and used barbed wire were shipped from Trincomalee. I was witness to it. All it takes for the army to move out and to create a wholesome environment is for the government to take a decision, if moving towards reconciliation is intended.
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