Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Raising Ugly Head Of Racism: Will Sri Lanka Become Another Myanmar?

Raising Ugly Head Of Racism: Will Sri Lanka Become Another Myanmar?

By Latheef Farook -July 2, 2013 
Latheef Farook
Colombo TelegraphA few hundred Sinhala ethno religious rabble rousers who call themselves the guardians of Buddhism and Sinhalese though they do not represent the Sinhalese community, went on a protest march last week from Kataragama to Temple Trees to get the government to ban cattle slaughter.
This seems to be the second stage of their ongoing anti Muslim campaignfollowing the so called Halal issue which though a non issue but made it one to serve their sinister political agendas.
The main purpose of the anti animal slaughter campaign is obviously to generate hatred and pit the Sinhalese against Muslims and turn the country once again into a killing field.