Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rewriting Our Own Notion Of Peace

Rewriting Our Own Notion Of Peace

Colombo Telegraph
By Kamaya Jayatissa -July 1, 2013 
Kamaya Jayatissa
Dear Friends,
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to address tonight’s gathering. I cannot highlight enough the importance of this initiative which gives a platform to Sri Lankan youth from all around the country and mostly from all communities to express themselves and share their views on a much needed topic which is peace.
Before I start, I shall introduce myself briefly to you so that you understand what might have or might not have influenced and shaped the perspective I am going to share with you this evening. I am a PhD student in Public International Law from the Sorbonne University and I formerly worked as a Research Officer at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Paris. I currently write as a columnist, for the local newspaper Ceylon Today on matters pertaining to reconciliation and am also the President of a French-Sri Lankan Youth Forum that is based in Paris. Like most of you, I was born in Sri Lanka during the war but unlike the most of you I experienced the war from distance. I was indeed educated in France and only came back to Sri Lanka for good a few months ago.