Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Suesh Shah’s Wisdom: An Eye-Opener For All Sri Lankans

Suesh Shah’s Wisdom: An Eye-Opener For All Sri Lankans

By W.A Wijewardena-July 2, 2013 
Dr. W.A. Wijewardena
Colombo TelegraphSuresh Shah: Sri Lanka’s vast gap between the promise and the score
Mr. Suresh Shah, newly elected Chairman of the 174 year-old Ceylon Chamber of Commerce or CCC, has spoken his mind boldly and openly at the time he was installed in office for the forthcoming year at CCC’s Annual General Meeting held in Colombo last week (available here). In his brief but well-articulated installation oration, he has reiterated his deep conviction that Sri Lanka’s future prosperity is based on private sector-led growth and noted that there is a vast gap between the ‘promise of the country’ and its ‘actual score’. Hence, a lot more has to be done by the country to make it a prosperous nation. Then he had identified the four most pressing challenges which Sri Lanka is facing as a nation today. He has concluded his oration with three messages not necessarily for his colleagues at CCC but for all Sri Lankans – the need for working as ‘Team Sri Lanka’ on all issues, becoming a collaborative development partner with constructive suggestions and speaking out and not remaining silent on all national issues which if one believes will bring enormous adverse consequences to the nation. In my view, all what he has said in his oration should serve as the philosophical foundation of the programme of action to be implemented by CCC in the forthcoming year.
The four most pressing challenges of the country today