Thursday, August 29, 2013

Colombo Telegraph Ban – It’s Time To Reverse Idiocy

By Rasika Jayakody -August 30, 2013 
Rasika Jayakody
Colombo TelegraphGovernments do idiotic acts from time to time and the Mahinda Rajapaksaregime is no exception. One of its recent idiotic acts is to block Colombo Telegraph, widely popular website among Sri Lankan readers, not only in Sri Lanka, but also across the world. The reason for the blocking is obscure, but not beyond comprehension. The think tank of the government might have assumed that some of the articles carried it Colombo Telegraph “posed a threat to national security and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka”.
Blocking a website, in this day and age, is a foolish act because any banned website could be accessed through proxies. Apart from the momentary joy it entails and the blatant high-handedness it displays no can reap any benefit from such a foolish decision. By doing so, the think tank of the government waggles nothing but its lack of common sense and very low IT literacy level.
Colombo Telegraph carries articles of many columnists who belong to different schools of thought. Some of them, understandably, write in favour of the LTTE propaganda, promoting falsehoods perpetuated by the LTTE. I am no Fascist and I acknowledge their freedom of expression. Having said that I also know that acknowledging their freedom of expression does not deprive me of my right to speak on behalf of what I believe in. It is on that basis that I contributed for Colombo Telegraph as a columnist over the past few months. I am confident of my argument, and because of that, I have no reason to fear those of others, under any circumstance.

Did Krrish Dupe Parliament? Cancel All Tax Breaks And Investigate Entire Transaction Immediately

By Harsha de Silva -August 30, 2013
Dr. Harsha de Silva
Colombo TelegraphIt is exactly one year to date since Krrish Group signed an agreement with the Board of Investment to build a sprawling mixed development consisting of three dizzy 95 story towers and another 80 story tower at Transworks Square in the Fort. (Click here to read)  Powerful ministers who backed the project said Krrish was partnering with Ritz Carlton to bring the seven-star hotel to Colombo besides the top brands to be sold at the ultra-luxurious retail mall.
When Parliament agreed to grant massive 25 year tax exemptions to Krrish Group last year it was based on the condition that the so-called investor was to make full payment for the 99-year lease for the 4.3 acre property as per the agreement and also have commercial operations begin on a given date.  (Click here to read) Even though the opposition argued that there was a complete lack of transparency in the ‘deal’ the Government insisted that procedure was followed for such ‘unsolicited proposals’ and assured that the investor was committed to the at least USD 500 million investment, which was later increased to USD 1,400 million.
But one year on, the investor has not even completed the payment for the lease, let alone start construction.  The massive hoardings advertising the shiny towers have disappeared and no statements are forthcoming from anyone on the current status.  All the glitzy designs on its website are gone and only a sketch of the Transworks Square building, which invaluable building Krrish paid nothing at all to get; remain. (Click here to read)