Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bhikkunis petition HRC

By Premalal Wijeratne-
Wednesday, 30 Oct 2013
In an unprecedented move, the Bhikkunis in the country have submitted a petition to the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL), demanding recognition and acceptance of the Bhikkuni Sasana. Commissioner of the HRCSL, Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa, said a petition has been filed in this regard and the Commission has initiated investigations. He said the petition has been filed by Ven. Inamaluwa Sumangala Thera and Ven. Sheelapriya Mahinda Therani. Based on the investigations, the Commission will give its recommendations, the Commissioner added.
The Department of Registration of Persons, the Department of Buddhist Affairs and the Ministry of Buddha Sasana, are cited as respondents.
While the petition avers that the Bhikkunis, who were in the Buddha Sasana have become obsolete during the latter half of the Anuradhapura era, following the civil unrest, those now serving as Bhikkunis who are part of the Order, and have received upasampada (ordained), be accepted and be registered with the viharas, be issued identity cards and accorded all the privileges of the Order.
The petition was filed under Chapter II, constitutional provisions 9 and 10 of the 1978 Constitution, which provide for the fostering of safeguards to Buddhism, and Chapter III which grants fundamental rights to the petitioners to secure religious freedom which they are entitled to.

WikiLeaks: Develop A Casino Regulatory Scheme – US Treasury Recommends

October 30, 2013 
“A US Treasury team recently conducted an assessment of the Sri Lankan financial sector and 
Colombo Telegraphconcluded that there are weaknesses in the banking sector open to possible exploitation. The assessment concluded that drugs, human smuggling and corruption are the crimes that generate most money laundering problems in Sri Lanka.”  the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
Rajapaksa and the US Ambassador Lunstead
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The “Confidential” cable discuses Sri Lanka’s counterterrorism finance initiatives and financial crimes. The cable was written by the US Ambassador to Colombo Jeffrey J. Lunstead on March 11, 2004.
The ambassador wrote;”The assessments also found areas where additional assistance is warranted, including new anti-money laundering legislation; training for Central Bank and banking sector employees; training for judges, prosecutors and investigators; the development of a casino regulatory scheme and awareness training for legislators and other government officials.”
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