Saturday, November 2, 2013

(Lanka-e-News-02.Nov.2013, 3.30PM) The Medamulana backwoods land crocodiles by trying to make Colombo another super city like Paris in view of the forthcoming CHOGM alias ‘chewing gum summit’ in Colombo, had completely swindled the fixed deposit of Rs. 260 million belonging to the Colombo Municipal council (CMC) and taken a further loan of Rs. 78.4 million from the bank on an overdraft , according to reports reaching Lanka e news. The most noteworthy feature of this obnoxious profligacy is : these monies have all been drawn out and wasted illegally without following due procedures further underlining the MaRa regime’s lawlessness of arrogantly riding roughshod on rules and regulations .
It is the poor tax payer’ monies that constitute the CMC funds. These funds under the law can only be disbursed after the approval of the Financial select committee of the CMC which comprises members of both the ruling and opposition members. Yet, ignoring all these regulations the monumental waste of funds had been done on the orders of Badrani , an officer who is Gota’s ‘Bad Rani’ . The latter also became notorious recently for making a bonfire of important files and documents of the CMC without due approval. The CMC members are crippled and unable to take any action against her because she is Gota’s quean.
A CMC member is officially entitled to Rs. 3 million annually to carry out his work in his divisions , but now because of this diddling by this yankee doodle do , they are unable to get this allocation. Most of these funds had been wasted by criminal defense secretary and the Municipal council authority who abides by the orders of the former who the latter worships as his ‘Lokka’. Mind you Rs. 35 million had been spent to erect 47 bus halts again in the lines of Europe. 
Already Rs. 20 million had been paid towards it. This money had been released to Gota’s army engaged in the bus halt construction. The worst part ? all these have been done high handedly and illegally without following tender procedures or obtaining the permission of the CMC select committee . 
Gota who is unlawfully and brazenly plundering the public finds that are in the Municipal council , is also not paying the monies legitimately due to the CMC after acquiring the roads and lands of the CMC at D R Wijewardena mawatha ,for constructing the Casino empire.
The land acquired is about 70 acres in extent and most of it belongs to the CMC . One example is : the road, Felix avenue belonging to the CMC had been acquired by force , closed and named Casino palace without paying a cent to the CMC.
On top of this, in order to frighten the CMC employees the security division of the CMC had been indirectly brought under the control of Gota. Though the CMC has a security division of its own , Gota by appointing an army officer to administer them had indirectly brought them under his control.