Wednesday, January 1, 2014

ASIA: Conversations with a chameleon (katussa) – some thoughts for 2014

AHRC LogoDecember 31, 2013
As I wanted to discuss many things, and as I found no one else to discuss these things with, I was happy to see you on a branch of a tree in our garden. I told myself, “Ah, here is someone I can talk to.”
As I approached and greeted you, you nodded to me in a friendly manner, which encouraged me to start this conversation with you.
There are many problems that we cannot talk about with human beings these days. They no longer want to converse about things; they like to keep the chatter to just saying “Hi” or talking about the weather, the latest cricket match or a song or a film, none of which they care for very much. It is as if they are trying to talk to avoid a meaningful and good conversation.

"The whole state, the whole edifice of the rational state, is built on the basis of the belief that the relationship between the government and the people who are ruled by it is one which has meaning, and that rational communication between the two is possible."
