Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Agency banking networks

  • Sri Lanka’s Praja Naya Niyamaka (PNN) Scheme
February 25, 2014 
Total Financial Inclusion (TFL) is the dream of all those who are concerned about exclusion of the poor, marginalised and displaced, from the formal financial sector.
The poor, even when they manage to pull themselves out of poverty, often fall back into poverty when faced with a financial shock, with which they are unable to cope. They have to raise emergency funds to meet expenses connected to death, sickness, crop loss, livestock theft, etc. This is where micro insurance schemes can play a vital role.
In the absence of micro insurance, the local money lender or pawn broker is the recourse if the victim is not a member of a group of micro savers such as those set up by financial service providers such as micro finance institutions or a Seetu group (ROSCA, Rotating Saving and Credit Group.) India has resorted to an interesting experiment, Bank Agent Networks.
Praja Naya Niyamaka