Monday, February 24, 2014

Average income of a Sri Lankan: When numbers gathered from top and bottom do not tally!

February 24, 2014  
Household Income and Expenditure Survey of 2012/13
The Preliminary Report of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey, abbreviated as HIES, for 2012/13 has just been released by Department of Census and Statistics or DCS (available at:
Without doubt, the survey report carries a wealth of information on the socio-economic conditions of the Sri Lankans at this juncture of their history. It supplies feed-material for researchers, analysts, policymakers, commentators and even marketers.
Since HIES is conducted periodically – once in every three years now – its numbers can be compared with those in the previous HIESs to assess whether there has been an improvement or a decline. The report has been written in technical terms but it does not reduce its value. All those who had been involved in the survey deserve commendation for the efforts they have made to bring out the survey results.