Monday, February 24, 2014

SC also now retracts its sacrosanct decisions like politicians – swallows its own vomit like dogs
(Lanka-e-News-23.Feb.2014, 10.00PM) The supreme court (SC) that has metamorphosed into ‘MaRa’ court (kangaroo court ), therefore , as anticipated announced a verdict 21st February overturning a decision given earlier by the appeal court that the impeachment motion proceedings against the former chief justice (CJ) is not valid in law, thereby reversing the appeal court verdict most rudely and shockingly. This verdict given today apart from being shocking is also most ludicrous because the appeal delivered its verdict earlier after seeking the SC 's view. In other words , the verdict the SC reversed or rather retracted 21st is its own given earlier founded on none other than its very own views.

When the former CJ Shiranee Bandaranaike requested a writ from the appeal court against the impeachment motion at that time , the SC to whom it was referred to for a direction gave a verdict that the standing order 78 A of the Parliament under which the appointment of a select committee by the speaker is made in this regard is not valid in law ; it is ultra vires the constitution; and a judge of a court cannot be meted out punishment via a Parliament select committee.

This same decision given earlier by the SC itself has been reversed (retracted) by the same court lastday (21) by a panel of five judges while declaring that the Parliament is supreme , and therefore the courts have no powers to give orders to the parliament. The panel comprised justices , Chandra Ekanayake , Sathya Hettige , Eva Wanasundara , Rohini Marasinghe , and Saleem Marsoof (President of the panel) . The justices comprising the panel of the appeal court which delivered its verdict on the 21 st of December 2012 were justices A W .A. Salam , Anil Gunaratne , 
S. Skandharaja (president of the panel). Interestingly and intriguingly , Skandaraja died under sudden and mysterious circumstances recently.

The despotic regime after having sent away the former chief justice Ms. Shiranee Bandaranaike via all the dastardly and diabolic maneuvers , appointed a its shameless stooge and lackey as the chief justice who would abjectly serve its underhand illegal goals . The despotic executive thereby swept all the SC judges (independent judiciary) into his pocket (thereby making the judiciary no longer independent) to pickpocket justice in the country.The present decision of the SC is obviously a necessary corollary of all these dictatorial manipulations and calculations. 

It is worthy of note that the case against the appeal court decision was filed by the Attorney general (AG) , and the AG’s department in its entirety is under the despotic Executive, and the AG too is appointed by the same despot. Need we elaborate more to prove that the present SC when delivering its verdict has only acted as a ventriloquist dummy of the despotic executive. 

This decision being termed a Kekille court decision of eccentric King Kekille is to insult that ancient King for he reportedly intended to do good in spite of his eccentricity. But in the case of the present ‘King Kekiller, ’ he intends to do evil regardless of his eccentricity.