Monday, February 24, 2014

Sri Lanka needs an international investigation

(Mon, 24 Feb 2014
Human Rights Council

Click here to sign the petition

Sril Lanka Campaign for Peace and JusticeThe UN Human Rights Council will meet in a few short weeks. They must use this opportunity to pass a resolution that will include a commitment to an Independent International investigation in Sri Lanka the form of a Commission of Inquiry. Only this will help to put the country on the path to justice and reconciliation.
Although the long-running civil war ended in May 2009, a lasting peace is not in sight and we remain gravely concerned for the future of Sri Lanka and its people. A fear and sense of injustice persists, not just among minorities and political activists, but among ordinary people desperately trying to rebuild their lives.
Only an independent international investigation of these atrocities will end this culture of impunity and give Sri Lanka a chance to climb out of its cycle of violence towards a lasting peace.

Click here to sign the petition

The British specifically promised to pursue such an investigation in November. We have designed a specific version of the petition above to demand that the British Prime Minister keep his promise.

If you are in the UK click here to sign the UK specific version

Please consider helping us cover the running costs of the campaign with a donation: