Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sri Lanka ranked 26th in 2014′s Peoples under Threat index and fell five places from 2013′s ranking.

Peoples Under Threat

Communities at risk-Tamils, Muslims

Peoples Under Threat Data 2014
Peoples under Threat value    
Self-determination conflicts                       4
Major armed conflict                                No data
Prior genocide / politicide    1
Massive movement - refugees and IDPs    8.4
Legacy of vengeance - group grievance     9.5
Rise of factionalized elites                         9.3
Voice and Accountability                        0.598
Political Stability    -                               0.706
Rule of Law    -                                     0.108
OECD country risk classification               6
TOTAL                                                 13.69
 Peoples under Threat index 

The overall measure for each country is based on a basket of 10 indicators. The number in each row is drawn from the source for that particular indicator. The sources of data and calculations used are detailed on the Notes to Table page. 


Sri Lanka ranked 26th in 2014′s Peoples under Threat index and fell five places from 2013′s ranking.