Monday, April 28, 2014

Suspected War Criminal Gives Numbers To UN On Northern Army Sexual Assaults

April 27, 2014 
Colombo TelegraphThe suspected war criminal, Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanant Representative to the UN, Major GeneralShavendra Silva replied to allegations raised against the Army over sexual assaults in the North through UN Reports.
We publish below the statement in full;
Statement by Ambassador Major General Shavendra Silva, Deputy Permanent Representative and Charge d’Affaires UN Security Council Open Debate “Women and peace and security” 25th April 2014, New York.
Mr. President,
Let me join the previous speakers in thanking the delegation of Nigeria for convening this open debate under its Presidency. I would also like to thank the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict for her statement.
Mr. President,
In times of conflict and post-conflict situations, attention should be paid to all forms of violence against civilians, especially sexual violence. Historically, sexual violence has been associated with the absence of peace and security. Conflict often creates family dislocations, shattered livelihoods and also sole breadwinners, with the resulting negative consequences. Single mothers are often the result of conflict, and in some cases, this increases vulnerability to sexual harassment, exploitation and violence.
The Government of Sri Lanka has implemented a firm policy on sexual violence and has taken farm action against reported cases of violence against women and girls during the conflict and the post-conflict period. Sri Lanka has deplored all violence against women and has a well- established policy against gender based violence and all forms of sexual abuse. During the conflict period (January 2007 – May 2009), 7 Security Forces personnel were reported as having been involved in 5 incidents of sexual violence in the Northern Province. This is out of a total of 125 persons accused in 119 incidents for the entirety of the Northern Province. In the post conflict period (from May 2009 – May 2012) 10 Security Forces personnel were reported as having been involved in 6 incidents of sexual violence in the Northern Province. This is out of a total of 307 persons accused in 256 incidents for the entire Northern Province. The involvement of Security Forces personnel as a percentage of the total accused stands at 5.6% in the conflict period and 3.3% in the post- conflict period. Any allegations supported by credible evidence will be dealt with firmly by the authorities.                    Read More