Monday, May 26, 2014

A 20 years old deceitful business of ‘Link natural products Co.’ selling 'Samahan' uncovered
(Lanka-e-News-26.May.2014, 8.30PM) A 20 years old deceitful business of ‘Link natural products Co.’ selling samahan by pulling the wool over the eyes of the people had been uncovered. 

An individual who knows the ins and outs of this fraud revealed to Lanka e news as follows :
The product in the name of ‘Samahan’ which is advertised as an ayurveda cure providing instant relief for coughs contains the essence that is obtained from a toxic drug Iso propyl , and each 4 gram packet of ‘Samahan’ is made up of 0.5 grams essence of isopropyl and 3.5 grams of sugar. This means in each packet there is 87.5 % sugar.

Though such a high percentage of sugar is contained in this so called medicinal preparation , that is not printed on the packet in order to circumvent the laws governing the preparation.

According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) norms , any extraneous constituents cannot be contained in the drug, and if sugar is contained in the drug its percentage / ratio should be indicated . 

Hence this large proportion of sugar cannot be contained in a drug , and such a percentage is allowable only in a sweetmeat.

When that falls into the classification of sweetmeat it becomes liable for Vat Tax. In order to evade this tax , this product has been registered as a drug under the name ‘Samahan’ with the Ayurveda Corporation.

Based on this , if the sales turnover on this drug over the last 20 years is considered , the amount of VAT tax the government has been deprived of is in excess of that involved in the colossal VAT fraud that was earlier detected in the country.

A media personnel by the name of Kusal another media coolie ‘selling’ professional ethics in order to do all the sordid biddings of the Rajapakse regime has been actively engaged in giving advice encouraging the advertisement of this killer ‘Samahan’ product, all the time claiming that it is the best cure for all ages from infants to adults , and for consistent sound health , while knowing very well the toxic nature of the product, and that he is deliberately encouraging the victims to consume ‘poison.’ The damage being done to the health and life of the innocent people is beyond measure.

This fraudulent product that is not costing even Rs. 2.00 per packet is being sold at Rs. 15.00 . In addition the huge VAT payments due to the State is also being averted.

It must be pointed out that all those behind this racket as well as those who are aiding and abetting are not only doing a great disservice to the nation but must be condemned as the biggest fraudsters liable to deterrent punishment.