Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Land Where Hope Was Killed And Despair Was Reborn

Colombo Telegraph
By Rajasingham Narendran -June 28, 2014
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
Hope is a bird 
With wonderful feathers
Sits on the boughs of the soul
And sings the song of how to remain alive
It sings when the dream breaks
It sings when ships over turn
You are at the bottom and
Far away is the beach
At that time it teaches you
How to ride from bottom to top
How to swim to reach to the beach
How to rebuild the broken wings of your dream
Then you get an energy in form of a wind in the tune
To be alive strongly better than before
And it will continue to sing till you want to listen.
 (inspired by Dikinson)

Dreams I despair
Loss of hopelessness
Doubt my hopeless dreams
Trapped in this small mess
Here lies in this yard
All my precious dreams
Not so precious anymore
Feel like I want to scream
One, two, three down, gone
There go all my schemes
Not so precious anymore
There goes the dream within a dream
Gone, gone, all gone
Those beautiful words
“When I grow up…”
“Goodbye” as they fly like birds
Dreams I despair
Loss of hopelessness
Doubt my hopeless dreams
Trapped in this small mess (
Nathalie Payamps)
In my travels around the world I have felt the hope that drives countries forward and the despair of hopelessness that hits me smack on the face in countries that are moribund.  I saw, I heard and I felt the hope for a better future surge among all Sri Lankans, including the war wary in IDP camps. I shared this hope and dreamt it would be translated into tangible action. This was both a rare historical moment and a golden opportunity.  My hopes and dreams have been shattered. However, I have not been rendered incapable of yet hoping.