Thursday, July 3, 2014

Enemies Of State, Their Fall And The Guillotine

By Muhammed Fazl -July 3, 2014
Muhammed Fazl
Muhammed Fazl
Colombo TelegraphNobody can give you freedom, nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you are a man, you take it – Malcolm X
In the nation of alcoholics, wife-beaters and hateful losers, it becomes an irony when transvestites come out of the closet brazenly at night and onto the streets to ply their trade as against ‘war heroes’ and ‘men in power’ being enslaved and gagged from speaking out. Talk becomes cheap when it does not ‘walk the talk’. It has also been the norm to look for a change of government through elections when democracy does not exist, to seek redress in courts of law when the independence of the judiciary is seriously compromised and to make powerful speeches in parliament and elsewhere only for it to fall on deaf ears.
Taking into account the recent hate-mongering acts/speeches against the Muslim minority by racist elements enjoying state patronage and immunity from prosecution and the down-played war crime allegations against the Sri Lankan armed forces and their political leaders, it could be seen as a futile exercise if opposition forces opts to ‘play by the rule book’ in their quest for change and/or justice!
Having referred the dictionary for the word ‘traitor’, I cannot help but see the spotlight fall on President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his ‘band of brothers’, and it makes me contemplate between being coy and a coward or standing up for what is right. It is also precisely this feeling that which takes me in to the camps of ‘men of honor’ and the ‘patriotic kind’ in robes!                                       Read More