Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Gnanasara Is Not The Disease, He Is A Viral Symptom!

By Vishwamithra1984 -July 2, 2014
Colombo Telegraph“Once you’ve built the big machinery of political power, remember you won’t always be the one to run it.” ~P. J. O’Rourke
Gotabhaya with BBSGalagodaaththe Gnanasara, who is alleged to have been indicted in the past on four cases of DUI (driving under the influence), whose regular vocabulary is sometimes more disgusting than that of an uneducated petty thug in a street corner and whose fiery speeches have engulfed a naïve and susceptible ethnic group into violent, virulent and vituperative politicking has single-handedly managed to inflame hatred, jealousy and vengeance, three human qualities the Great Teacher, Gautama Buddha asked his devotees to discard as venomous human qualities from their day-to-day lives. The emergence of Gnanasara is directly correlated to the meteoric ascendance of the Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS), somewhat similar to that of the Taliban or Al Qaida of the Arab/Muslim world. As much as these Muslim fundamentalist organizations operate- desecrating the teachings of Islam and selling the Quran to suit their political goals, BBS and their propagandists garbed in saffron robes, too are engaged in that dishonorable and despicable act of debasing the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama and painting an ominous picture for the susceptible consumer, Sinhalese Buddhists, of a declining trend in Buddhism due to the imaginary vagaries of Islam.                                                 Read More

Two More US Firms To White-Wash Rajapaka Regime

July 2, 2014
Colombo TelegraphDespite bragging about their disregard for US policies and its hypocrisy, Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Ministry has hired two more firms specialising in government relations to white-wash its image in the US.
According to reports by Kevin Mccauley, the External Affairs Minister has signed Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) contracts with the ‘Madison Group’ and ‘Beltway Government Strategies’.
The contract with Madison Group, on which the Sri Lankan government will spend a whopping $18,000 worth of public money per annum as well as expenses and bonuses for their performance, has been signed to assist the EAM in ‘creating a situational awareness of current affairs’ in the country.
Beltway Government Strategies based in Los-Angeles has been hired to ‘retain and manage firms to engage in government relations activities’ on Sri Lanka’s behalf, according to its FARA contract. It has been reported that the firm may also participate in lobbying or other political activity on behalf of Sri Lanka’s EAM Monitoring Unit.
However, the specific issues have not yet been ironed out. The contracts are said to have been signed about a week ago.
According to news reports, Sri Lanka already has two other active FARA contracts with Thompson Advisory Group and the Majority Group – a boutique lobbying firm.
These new agencies are hired in the wake of the probe in alleged war crimes during the final years of Sri Lanka’s war with the LTTE, led by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as it has been anticipated that the international inquiry would intensify international pressure on the government.