Thursday, July 3, 2014

Govt. attempt to politically-victimize Daya Gamage again fails

1123dayaA government attempt to politically victimize Daya Group chairman and UNP national organizer Daya Gamage again failed when the court confirmed an earlier verdict to dismiss a petition filed by the Urban Development Authority seeking the removal of certain constructions of Daya Apparel factory building in Ampara, political analysts point out.
Previously, the government brought in an expropriation act to take over his Sevanagala Sugar Factory.
However, an attempt by his political opponents to get the annual Poson festival at Digawapi sacred area organized by him completely banned, was aborted, said the political analysts.
Ampara high court judge Damith Totawatta today confirmed an earlier verdict to dismiss a petition filed by the UDA seeking the removal of certain constructions of Daya Apparel factory building.
On September 05 last year, Ampara additional magistrate Stella Primky dismissed the UDA petition, saying it had not been filed in accordance with the law and the submissions by the petitioner were contradictory.

The factory which provides a livelihood for more than 5,000 youths and earns a large amount of foreign exchange for the country has been built with Board of Investment approval, the court was told.