Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Muslim Hate Campaign In Sri Lanka

Colombo Telegraph
By Ameer Ali -July 1, 2014
Dr. Ameer Ali
Dr. Ameer Ali
The incendiary attack on ‘Nolimit’, a Muslim owned and the foremost textile retail business outlet at Panadura in the Western Province of Sri Lanka is yet the latest in a series of premeditated and meticulously planned anti-Muslim vicious campaign led by the most extremist Buddhist group Bodu Bala Sena(BBS) which, according to all available information and evidence, carries the unflinching support of some powerful members in the ruling Rajapakse regime.
This anti-Muslim campaign is part of a more elaborate project conspiratorially planned and collaboratively executed by the supremacist BBS and its coterie like the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) with support from the Buddhist petty bourgeoisie to transform Sri Lanka into a nation of Sinhalese Buddhists and Buddhists only with some limited tolerance to other communities provided they are prepared to live on unequal terms. There is a close parallel here with the State of Israel which also claims that Israel belongs to Jews and Jews only but the Arabs are allowed to exist, if they wish, but on apartheid terms. Just as the Jews claim that their language Hebrew is spoken nowhere else except in Israel and that therefore it should be the only state language so also is the claim of the supremacists that Sinhalese is spoken only in Sri Lanka and that it should be the only state language.  Just as the Jewish hardliners have indoctrinated their views and ideology to the security forces of the country so also are the Buddhist hardliners have indoctrinated theirs to the police force and soldiers in the island, the vast majority of them are Buddhists. Finally, like the Israeli Jews, the Buddhist supremacists also, by hiring their comprador intellectuals and historians are venturing to establish their dubious claims on the basis of a politically abused history, concocted legends, and twisted logics. If BBS, JHU and their sympathisers are allowed to succeed in their project of Buddhisization of Sri Lanka the country would become a semi-apartheid regime in the not too distant future.                                           Read More