Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tamil asylum seekers handed over to Sri Lankan navy, according to reports

Scott Morrison will not confirm claims a boat of asylum seekers is in trouble off the coast of Christmas Island.
Scott Morrison will not confirm claims a boat of asylum seekers is in trouble off the coast of Christmas Island. Photo: Andrew Meares

Sarah Whyte

-July 1, 2014

The Australian government is refusing to comment on reports circulating on Christmas Island that 153 Tamil asylum seekers have been handed over to the Sri Lankan navy.
The asylum seekers, who have not communicated with civilians since Saturday morning, were on a boat allegedly intercepted by the Australian navy near Christmas Island, president of the Shire of Christmas Island Gordon Thomson said. They were then handed over to Sri Lanka’s military. 

Sending asylum seekers to Sri Lanka 'risks flagrant violation of convention'

Refugee groups sound alarm over fate of Tamil asylum seekers on board a boat heading to Australia, amid information blackout

The coast of Christmas Island, where the 46 refugees arrived between March 2009 and December 2010. The UN has said their indefinite detention was 'inhumane'.
Christmas Island, possible intended destination of the asylum seekers.
The Guardian home
Tuesday 1 July 2014 
Australia would “flagrantly” violate the refugee convention if 153 Tamil asylum seekers on board a boat headed to Australia were sent to Sri Lanka without being allowed to lodge a claim for protection, the Refugee Council of Australia has warned.