Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Weak Mahinda Vs Kshama Factor And The ‘Common Candidate’ Debate

By TU Senan -July 1, 2014
TU Senan
TU Senan
Colombo TelegraphChallenging times pose challenging questions. For the left this is especially the case as we task ourselves to play a leading role in the fight for a better life for all. In Sri Lanka where the government of Mahinda Rajapaksa is crushing democratic rights and stands accused of genocidal slaughter this is especially so. Every twist and turn of strategy and tactics must involve a serious weighing up of ideas and historical lessons if it can play any useful role.
The attack on Muslims in Sri Lanka has provoked huge anger. Given there is evidence of government involvement, it has the potential to enormously weaken the regime of President Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR). So the prospect that MR will get neither the votes of Tamils or Muslims nor of progressive Sinhalese is a factor in the discussion about bringing forward a ‘common candidate’ of the opposition to defeat him.
Debating the strategy to bring down MR is likely to dominate Sri Lankan politics until the presidential election. Although the idea of putting forward a ‘common candidate’ originated from the left, unbelievably the arguments that are linked to it have ruled out a potential left challenge. This debate must be re-opened. So-called left intellectuals, who claim to be ‘down to earth’ and ‘practical’, propose that the devil is to be challenged with a demon.
A number of questions will be posed if a possible left challenge is suggested. From previous betrayals to the current examples of sectarianism, the crimes of the left will be listed. But the key question is this: should we seek regime change or a change that will provide a meaningful transformation of life for the masses in Sri Lanka? Bringing down Mr Devil at all costs is one thing – but what replaces him is a vital question. Tamils, workers, Muslims have all suffered miserably at the hands of the neoliberal UNP.
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