Friday, August 1, 2014

Buddhist monks attend Muslim ‘Ifthar’ event : set example proving what is true Buddhism and religious amity

(Lanka-e-News- 31.July.2014, 11.30PM) While the Rajapakse regime and the JHU jointly with the terrorist monks are propagating and promoting religious hatred and violence among the races , we on the other hand take pleasure in reporting an incident where the true Buddhist leaders and Muslim leaders united to create and spread religious amity and unity.

This salutary event took place at Kurunegala Aswedduma mosque recently when Ifthar , or the breaking fast ceremony of the Muslims was conducted. On that day , Muslim religious leaders , provincial Buddhist prelates and police chiefs were invited to participate in the ‘breaking fast’ in the holy month of Ramazan of the Muslims.

The photograph depicts the welcome event and those who got together on the occasion. Lanka e News which always espouses the cause of national peace and racial harmony takes special pains to thank all those who united in the interests of religious unity and the larger interests of the country (regardless of those mischievous, murderous and marauding elements who are exploiting religious discord and dissension for selfish and political benefits ), and Das of Kurunegala who provided us with these photographs.