A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Wednesday, October 1, 2014
In MaRa’s ‘SL the miracle in the making ‘ nothing is impossible- Co. that polluted Deduru oya with toxic waste awarded gold medal !
While the export companies that are operating lawfully have been shocked
beyond belief by this award given to this lethal company that is a sole
cause of grief and disaster to the people , and had been subject to a
court injunction order, Lanka e news too had exposed this company on
many occasions . This company is none other than the notorious Norwegian
company ‘Jiffy products SL Pvt. Ltd.’
This deadly Co. which exports fiber uses calcium nitrate that has been
prohibited now by the Coconut development board , to clean the fiber. In
addition this Co. has been secretly sending the contaminated toxic
water into the Deduru Oya, thereby monumentally polluting the
environment. While this treacherous and lethal action of Jiffy Co. was
getting exposed , what the Company did was : after oiling the palms of
the Wayambe chief Minister Dayasiri Jayasekera and the provincial
environment authority chief , both of whom are well noted for their
venal obsessions, suppressed the disaster. What’s more ? injunction
orders were obtained against the 5 media Institutes which revealed the
true dangers . Lanka e news however , which gives priority to the larger
interests of the nation did not care two hoots for that order, and
unrelentingly continued to expose the deadly and dangerous activities of
this Co.
Subsequently , the residents who formed the ‘Deduru Oya protection
organization’ filed an action in Nikaweratiya courts on the grounds that
toxic water is being drained into the Deduru oya , and the grave harm
it is causing to them. Following this action , the Nikaweratiya district
judge Ms. D.M. Kodituwakku issued an injunction order against the Jiffy
Co. on 7 th August under section 98 of the criminal procedure code.
When this case No. 21490 /PC was called up again on 19 th August , after
hearing the evidence of the three witnesses of the petitioners , much
to the relief of the residents , the injunction order was extended for a
further period .
It is therefore significant to note that Jiffy Co. is still subject to
the injunction order. Despite it if the gold medal is awarded to this
company , it is simply because corruption breeds corruption. Based on
the criteria that should be actually followed by the SL national export
development board when giving awards , this award to Jiffy Co. is
absolutely illegal., because when awards are being given , it must be
taken into account what steps the Industry has taken to protect the
environment , which is a most important criterion. In the circumstances ,
this award to a Company that has acted unlawfully , destroyed the
environment and tainted by a court order against it is the joke of the
century , and a display of the corrupt nature of the awards ceremony ,
under estimating the other award winners too.
When we did a probe into how this came about outraging all criteria of
true and clear judgment , it had come to light this Jiffy Co. which is
out and out a fraudulent factory had made an under the counter payment
of US $ 10,000.00 to a 'Rathna, thileke' of the awards committee of the
National export board.
Appended herein are copies of relevant documents bearing testimony to this absolute spuriousness of this award.
The circular that prohibits the use of calcium nitrate of the Coconut development board for cleaning the fiber.
The report of the Central environment authority which confirms that the
Jiffy Co. is using calcium nitrate in violation of that circular
The first injunction order issued by the court against Jiffy Co.
The second injunction order issued by the court after recording evidence of public witnesses .
The evidence given by the public exposing how the criminal Jiffy Co. is draining the toxic water into the Deduru Oya
While such cogent and copious glaring evidence exist to prove the
atrocious and deadly activities of Jiffy Co. , the most perplexing
question is : who is the two legged donkey of the export board who gave
away this award ?
No matter what , LeN will not disappoint its viewers . We shall divulge the details shortly.