Sunday, November 30, 2014

Animal rights protesters in Nepal seek to stop Gadhimai festival sacrifice

Mass slaughter of buffaloes, sheep and goats in name of Hindu goddess Gadhimai to take place in Bariryapur

November 2009, Bariyapur: a Nepalese Hindu devotee slaughters a buffalo as an offering to the goddes
November 2009, Bariyapur: a Nepalese Hindu devotee slaughters a buffalo as an offering to the goddess Gadhimai. Photograph: Prakash Mathema/AFP/Getty Images
The Guardian home
 in Islamabad-Wednesday 26 November 2014
Animal rights protesters in Nepal are making last-ditch efforts to disrupt the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of animals including buffaloes, sheep and goats in the name of a Hindu goddess on Friday.